BLOWZABELLA (uk) - Workshops & Concerts
BLOWZABELLA (uk) - Workshops & Concerts
Ab 50,00 DKK
KoncertKirken presents BLOWZABELLA DAY as part of Copenhagen World Music Festival 2017!
BLOWZABELLA will be playing for a ceilidh at Koncertkirken. During the day they offer a series of workshops – what, depends on the demand. See the choice below!
BLOWZABELLA is a unique band that makes an incredible, driving, drone-based sound played with a fabulous sense of melody, rhythmic expertise and sheer feeling. All the band members compose and many of their tunes are “standards” in the modern British/European folk repertoire and are played by people all over the world. Bands across Europe who experiment with folk music often cite Blowzabella as a major influence. Much loved and respected, there is no one else quite like them.
BLOWZABELLA play dance music composed and arranged by the band for a variety of English and European traditional dances. The dances are easy to pick up and you don’t have to be an expert to get involved, just have a go. Many people choose not to dance and come along to watch and listen – and that’s fine too. The band have done gigs like this for donkey’s years so you’re always in safe hands.
Andy Cutting – diatonic button accordion; Jo Freya – vocals, saxophone, clarinet; Paul James – bagpipes, saxophones; Gregory Jolivet – hurdy-gurdy; David Shepherd – violin; Barn Stradling – bass guitar; Jon Swayne – bagpipes, saxophone.
There are 3 different tickets:
CONCERT only 20.00-24.00: 100 DKK/ students : 50 DKK
WORKSHOPS only: 200 DKK/ students: 100 DKK
ALL DAY: 250 DKK/ students: 125 DKK
WORKSHOPS 10.30-16.30:
With the rest of the band providing the music. Some great English traditional dances and some of the European couple dances that Blowzabella have popularised over the last 30+ years. The aim of the workshop is to help people get the most from a Blowzabella gig. All ages and abilities welcome. There’s plenty for experienced dancers to learn too.
Using simple, catchy folk dance tunes as a starting point, this workshop is about working together as a team to make a mighty big band noise that is more than the sum of its parts. Suitable for all ages, abilities, any instrument. No prior knowledge of folk music necessary. The aim is to create imaginative arrangements – using harmonies and riffs, textures and dynamics – that are interesting and fun to play, dance and listen to. You need to be of a standard where you can play a simple folk tune through at the right tempo, either by ear or by reading music. The Folk Big Band will perform at the evening dance.
Suitable for intermediate and more advanced players. The basic standard required to get the most from this workshop is to be able to learn a simple folk dance tune by ear and play it at the right tempo with others.
Introducing participants to English bagpipe repertoire, both traditional and recently composed, working mostly by ear, but music is available at the end. Work on technique and ornamentation relevant to that repertoire can be included. If time allows and the appropriate instruments are available, the workshop can enjoy playing polyphony with two, three or more lines, a form with which Jon has considerable experience. Suitable for conical bore mouth or bellows blown bagpipes in G (for example, border, Flemish and French pipes).
Gregory is an experienced hurdy-gurdy teacher both in the traditional techniques and repertoire of central France and in more contemporary and improvisational approaches to playing the instrument. The basic standard required to get the most from this workshop is to be able to learn a simple folk dance tune by ear and play it at the right tempo with others.
Mostly English traditional tunes and tips on rhythm and style. The basic standard required to get the most from this workshop is to be able to learn a simple folk dance tune by ear and play it at the right tempo with others. Some music is available on the day.
Taking traditional songs and singing them in harmony as a group. All ages and abilities welcome. No need to be able to read music. The emphasis is on creating a great sound by arranging beautiful songs for the voices there.
Have you any questions?
Please get in touch with Patricia Brander tel. +45 22983718, email: for more details.
Koncertkirken, Blågårds Pl. 6A, 2200 København
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BLOWZABELLA (uk) - Workshops & Concerts
Ab 50,00 DKK