Dance Workshop Basic Lindyhop, for Absolute Beginners
Dance Workshop Basic Lindyhop, for Absolute Beginners
Ab 80,00 DKK
This workshop er dedicated to Absolute Beginners.
People who never have danced before, are really welcome.
We want to meet new friends through dancing to great music,
We will be dancing with partner rotation, so you will get to dance with a lot of new dance friends.
So You can come alone or bring your friends.
The teaching will be very easy to understand and practice.
CPHSwing /Instuctor Nis Kristensen will be guiding you through the fun.
This very night you will be convinced that you have the talent to be a dancer, and to make a great social life through dancing.
Have you participated before, then you are enjoying your growing confidence in the dance and enjoying the fun with new friends.
Some participants have allready learned the program, and when you feel ready, contact the teacher and get informed about the possibilities to reach higher dance levels.
The Program:
18:45 –19:00 Registration, and time to get your dance shoes on, and socializing.
19:00 – 19:45 Swing Dance introduction for absolut beginners.Level A
19:45 – 20:00 Water break
20:00 - 20:45 Swing Dance introduction for absolut beginners.Level B
20:45 – 21:45 Free training and fun on the dance floor.
21:45 - 22:45 Volonteers needed to clear chairs and tables.
Practical Information:
Ring a bottle of water.
Ticket: Its mandatory to register at
There is excelent changing facilities.
Its friday and partytime, so:
Gentlemen: Wear your best white shirt, dark trouses, no T shirts,
Ladies : Dress or skirt so You are ready for a twirl and kindly bring your high heels –
remember ladys, this is a party after all.
Ballroom ”Forsamlingshuset”
DGI Byen
Tietgensgade 65, 1704 Copenhagen K
DGÍ Byen is located in the crossing of Tietgensgade 65/Ingerslevsgade.
It is 100 meter from the rear exit from the platforms of Copenhagen Main Train Station.
If you arrive by train, on the platform, walk away from the main train station building, up the stairs, turn right, walk 100 meter, and you are at the main entrance of DGI Byen.
Go through the main doors, turn right, follow the orange / yellow dottet line on the floor, walk 25 meters, passing tabeltennis, turn left, down the stairs on level, at you left hand, on your left you have the vending machines and you find us in the Ballroom. ”Forsamlingshuset”
Public transportation:
Parking: Ingerslevsgade is reasonable parking, parking zone 3200.
DGI Byen, Tietgensgade 65, 1704 København
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Dance Workshop Basic Lindyhop, for Absolute Beginners
Ab 80,00 DKK