Feldenkrais workshop - for performers
Feldenkrais workshop - for performers
Ab 300,00 DKK
”When you know what you do. You can do what you want.” ---Moshé Feldenkrais
"Feldenkrais studied the body in movement with a precision that I have found nowhere else". ---Peter Brook
The Feldenkrais method is an experiential method. You need to try a Feldenkrais lesson to understand how the method works. But once you try it, even if it is for one hour, you can feel the difference... an easiness in your movements: That is your mind connecting to your body.
After you try it, you realize of the potential within yourself and your body.
Feldenkrais is not about doing the right pose, is about finding the pose that is right for you. The Feldenkrais method propose development based on two main ideas that contradicts everything what society tells you to do:
1) Go slow
2) Don't try too hard!
For performers, actors, dancers, or anyone who uses his body to express her or himself, this two days workshop of Feldenkrais will have following benefits:
- discover and explore their own unique habits and patterns of movement that they bring to a performance
- learn to move with a greater range of possibilities
- observe patterns of movement in others to increase range, detail and depth in developing characters
- finding out how to do less and ‘be’ more – not try too hard and get in their own way
About the Feldenkrais Method
The Feldenkrais Method is basically the process of learning, when through movement and its non-mechanical i.e. the conscious repetition, we establish a dialogue with our body, breath, emotions, thoughts and behavior.
There are two forms of expressing the Feldenkrais Method: ATM group exercise (“Awareness Through Movement”) and individual FI (“Functional Integration”). Both these forms are based on a nondirective method of leading. That means the Feldenkrais Method teacher acts here as a facilitator of knowledge that takes place on the basis of options offered by the teacher and by the variation of the specific structure. Therefore it involves a creative approach by the teacher, thus creating a safe space for students to explore themselves. This method gradually increases the quality of internal feeling, which is devoid of conscious will, effort and self-esteem.
You can read more in the article of the following link:
Who will conduct the workshop?
Petra Oswaldová is a Feldenkrais Practitioner since 2006 and is accredited by the EuroTAB (Feldenkrais European Training and Accreditation Board) and IFF (International Feldenkrais Federation). In parallel with her studies at the Academy of Performing Arts, she went through the Feldenkrais® Method Training Program at the Feldenkrais Studiengesellschaft in Vienna. She currently lives in Prague and work in the field of Feldenkrais Method as an independent self-employed practitioner, as an internal teacher of subjects Training for Movement and FM at the Academy of Performing Arts (DAMU) and an external teacher in the Motol University Hospital -2. LK UK, in the Faculty of Physical education- FTVS UK and in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ostrava- LF OSU.
Do you have any question?
Feel free to call, text or send an email to Heidi:
+45 52 63 98 41
Østerbrohuset, Århusgade 103, Danselokale, 2100 København
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Feldenkrais workshop - for performers
Ab 300,00 DKK