First aid - For babies & toddlers (in English)
First aid - For babies & toddlers (in English)
Ab 330,00 DKK
How to help a baby or small child aged 0-3 years in an emergency
Baby-friendly course: you are allowed to bring a baby aged 0-12 months.
Prevent most accidents in daily life - and be prepared for those, that happen anyway.
The instructor uses her experience and knowledge as a health professional to teach you selected theory themes.
We spend plenty of time practicing in small groups, using special Junior & Baby CPR manikins.
You learn with your body - not only with your ears.
All participants/couples will receive a First aid book in English.
- The 4 steps of first aid
- Assessment of consciousness & breathing
- CPR for babies and small children (we practice thoroughly!)
- Recovery position
- Call for the right kind of help – at the right time
- Prevention of & first aid for:
- Choking and other kinds of blocked airways (we practice thoroughly!)
Plus 3-4 of the following themes
- How to recognize serious infection
- Falls
- Burns
- Poisoning and corrosive injury
- Fever cramps (and other kinds of seizures)
- Bleeding cuts and wounds
Sign up is pr. adult (18+).
You are allowed to bring a baby (0-12 months) at no extra cost. You don't have to bring the baby (you will probably be more focused and learn more if you don't), but the baby is absolutely welcome :-).
Couples: You buy one ticket at full price + one partner-ticket with 25% discount.
A couple can be any two adults willing to share one book + sit closely together.
Registration is binding.
Should the instructor get sick/quarantined or in case of new restrictions from authorities, the course will be cancelled.
You will get info about a new date or you can choose a refund of the workshop fee.
Practical info
Tuesday November 1 at 9.45-12.45
Course will be 3 hours of teaching incl. short breaks.
This course is in English. There is another English version the same day at 13.45-16.45.
Please bring:
- Yoga mat (or a bed sheet to cover mine)
- Lock for the stroller
- Water, snacks etc.
My CPR manikins can give feedback to your mobile devise. I recommend downloading the app. QCPR-training in advance. It’s available for free in Google Play & Apple’s App Store.
You will receive a mail some days before the course with practical details.
Hand sanitizer will be available.
You are welcome to contact the instructor, Marianne Mogensen:
Marianne is a First aid instructor, certified by Dansk Førstehjælpsråd.
She is a physiotherapist, ergonomics teacher and motor skills instructor.
In the past she was also a sergeant in the Danish Civil Defense (eg. passed the exam as a firefighter).
Marianne is the author of the books Efter fødsel - Træning & babyleg (After birth – Exercises & babygames) and Ergonomi – Forflytnings- og arbejdsteknik (Ergonomics – transfer techniques, mostly for nurses). She published the DVD Mavedans for Gravide.
See &
First aid courses on Amager with Marianne Mogensen autumn 2022 & spring 2023
Prismen, Holmbladsgade
- Tuesday November 1
- Tuesday February 28
- Tuesday May 2
Havnestadsklinikken, Islands Brygge
- Sunday November 20
- Sunday January 29
- Sunday April 2
14-17: - Sunday June 4
Feel free to contact me, if you are a group of parents who would like a course for you only - or if you would suggest other dates/locations.
Prismen, Holmbladsgade 71, 2300 København
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First aid - For babies & toddlers (in English)
Ab 330,00 DKK