FUSK (Mahall/Dabrowski/Lang/Tom)
FUSK (Mahall/Dabrowski/Lang/Tom)
Ab 80,00 DKK
(DE, PL, DK)
Rudi Mahall (b-cl), Tomasz Dabrowski (trp), Andreas Lang (bass), Kasper Tom (dr, comp.)
FUSK is a avantgarde jazz quartet led by the Danish drummer and composer Kasper Tom. The quartet plays surprising, unconventional compositions and free improvisations. The four musicians in FUSK all have a very personal approach to their instruments which comes to show in the open way that the band plays the often complex compositions.
The sound of the band is maybe best desribed by critic Adam Baruch:
“The music is a wonderful display of Kasper Tom's talent as a composer. His tunes are always somewhere between a catchy melodic theme and an open structure ideal for improvisation and exploration. Such incredible balance is quite rare and difficult to achieve and yet Kasper Tom manages to create these tunes with astonishing ease and versatility. Handled by the FUSK quartet, these tunes playfully follow one after another effortlessly, although they are anything but trivial or easy on the ear. The incredible strength of this music lies exactly in the fusion of melodic approach and complex execution, which result in aesthetic pleasure experienced by the listener, often unaware of its ingredients.”
Rudi Mahall is a living legend on the European jazz scene due to his unique talent and original approach to play modern jazz on the bassclarinet. Rudi has a very personal sound and way of playing, and is considered to be one of the most interesting and groundbreaking clarinetplayers in the world today.
During the last three decades he has astonished jazz listeners in bands like: Der Rote Bereich, Die Enttäuschung and with Aki Takase. Other cooperaters include: Kenny Wheeler, Jim Black, Lee Konitz, Alexander von Schlippenbach and Barry Guy.
Tomasz Dabrowski is THE upcoming trumpetplayer on the European Jazz scene. His daring tone and edgy playing makes him one of the most interesting musicians in Europe today. Tomasz has an outstanding melodic sense and interesting tonal language, that takes the “jazz tradition” in new, surprising directions every time he plays.
Outside FUSK Tomasz is leading his own bands and is also a very active sideman performing with people like Tomasz Stanko, Tyshawn Sorey, Greg Osby and Jacob Anderskov.
Andreas Lang plays the bass in FUSK. He is probably the “hottest” bassplayer in Berlin at the moment and is busy as a sideman in many projects. Andreas has a strong groove that shapes the music and fills it with energi everytime he plays. His forceful bassplaying has brought him on tours with people like Kurt Rosenwinkel, Gunter Hampel, Steve Swell and Wanja Slavin.
Kasper Tom is the leader of FUSK. He plays the drums and composes the music. Kasper belongs the new generation of musicians that fuse music from many directions and makes it his own. His unique sense of composing catchy melodic themes connected to an open structure ideal for improvisation and exploration, is incredibly well developed and quite rare.
He released 14 records as a leader with bands like FUSK, Kasper Tom 5, Kasper Tom/Jacob Anderskov and QUARTz.
Kasper Tom
tlf. 0045-29784838
Halmtorvet 15, Halmtorvet 15, 1700 København
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FUSK (Mahall/Dabrowski/Lang/Tom)
Ab 80,00 DKK