LISTENING TOUCH - introduction to contact - workshop
LISTENING TOUCH - introduction to contact - workshop
Ab 380,00 DKK
Introduction to contact
Touch may be the most basic form of communication we have as humans. When we are born, we are completely dependent on physical contact with our caregivers, not only for survival, but also to develop a sense of the connection and separation between ‘the outside world’ and ‘myself’. As time passes, the more rational and language-based way of communicating is developed, and for many of us it becomes dominating. Sometimes it becomes so dominating that we ‘lose touch’ and other ways of communicating with other people and the world around us are utterly forgotten.
In this workshop we invite you to rediscover the possibility of communication through contact. We will start off with some simple exercises to reconnect with the internal sense of ourselves, and from there we will start to experiment with communicating with others through physical contact.
Listening touch is sensitive and non-invasive; open and receptive to the living sensations and meanings harbored in the nervous system. We must learn to become quiet in order to tune in and pick up the subtlety of the inner body’s sensory language. We will start simply, slowly and safely in this introductory workshop to get a first experience of listening touch and experiment with uncovering this secret hidden in plain sight.
This workshop is based on the principles of Alexander Technique. Alexander Technique is a modality that works at the intersection of mind, body and emotions by bringing awareness to subtle internal bodily sensations and the constant interplay between body and awareness. Through Alexander Technique we can rediscover the intelligence of the nervous system. Becoming more aware of how we are present in the world - with ourselves and with others - can be both enriching, meaningful and therapeutic.
Ida and Sarah are both Alexander Technique teachers, and work with teaching people to sense their own nervous systems and connect to themselves. Learning to sense oneself better is crucial for being able to acknowledge one's own needs, desires and boundaries. Learning to sense oneself and others more and better can also be a way to access deeper and richer experiences of meaning and connectedness in general.
Nervous-system-language is a universal language! We speak Danish and English, so the workshop will be held in English or Danish (or a mix) depending on the needs of the participants.
Nervesystems-sprog er universelt! Vi taler dansk og engelsk, og workshoppen afholdes således på det sprog, eller den blanding af sprog, der passer til deltagerne.
We offer this workshop at two pricing levels. If you are a student, retired or for some other reason have limited financial means, feel free to sign up at the reduced price.
VIRKELIG, Tagensvej 85C, 2200 København
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LISTENING TOUCH - introduction to contact - workshop
Ab 380,00 DKK