Step Empowered into 2025
Step Empowered into 2025
Ab 75,00 DKK
Step Empowered Into 2025 is a transformative 2-hour journey designed to help you reflect on where you are, envision where you want to be, and take intentional steps to align your life with your highest potential.
Through a blend of self-reflection, gratitude, journaling exercises, and guided visualization, this workshop will guide you to:
~ Analyze key areas of your life and identify what needs your attention.
~ Cultivate gratitude for your current journey while setting new, empowering standards.
~ Identify your "why" and set meaningful goals for 2025.
~ Connect deeply with your vision through meditation and visualization.
You’ll leave this session with clarity, actionable next steps, and the opportunity to connect with a buddy for support and accountability.
The workshop is facilitated by Barbara - a breathworker and mindset coach who focuses on deepening the connection between body, mind, and soul to help you align with your true self. By doing the inner work, we can uncover the answers that are already within us. As the saying goes, “We always get what we tolerate in life.” With this workshop, Barbara invites us to raise our standards and step into an identity that supports our life visions.
@Unique by Grace
This event is an opportunity to not only set informed intentions for the new year, but also to support Unique’s commitment to uplift Copenhagen’s homeless and promote circular consumption.
All proceeds from the evening will go directly towards supporting our project aiding individuals in their journey from addiction to self-reliance. Through rehabilitation, job training, and housing support, we’re working together to change lives. As of 2023, more than 200 people successfully completed this program.
See you soon? ☺️
Welcome to the Unique by Grace Café
Welcome to our warm and cozy café at the heart of Nørrebro! At Unique, we're more than just a coffee shop. As a non-profit, our heart beats for the well-being of the city's homeless and the promotion of sustainable consumption in Copenhagen.
Who are we?
We are a community of volunteers dedicated to making a difference in the lives of Copenhagen's homeless. Originally established as the Unique Store in 2022, we've evolved from a retail space into a cozy café where every cup of coffee served carries a purpose. With the generous support of our donating partners, we source circular, high-quality ingredients and products. We strive to create a warm and community-centered atmosphere that supports the upliftment of the homeless, while also promoting a sustainable way of life.
Our Events
We host events a couple of times a month to gather the community and also raise funds to keep our initiative going.
Come for a bingo evening, quiz night, an art workshop, a book club meeting, and many more!
Unique by Grace, Griffenfeldsgade 54, 2200 København
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Step Empowered into 2025
Ab 75,00 DKK