That Thing We Do: A Comedy Show + Guests // Inconspicuous Comedy Nights
That Thing We Do: A Comedy Show + Guests // Inconspicuous Comedy Nights
Ab 60,00 DKK
𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬: Featuring "That Thing We Do"
Inconspicuous Comedy would like to invite you to a night of English comedy featuring some of Denmark's best spontaneous comedy performers.
This night of comedy features a sequence of hilarious, spontaneous sketches based on a real-life story inspired by you. That Thing We Do is bringing to the stage a style of improvised comedy from the USA that is not common on the stages of Copenhagen.
Join us as dynamic sets and full characters are developed on the spot.
Everything you will see on the stage is completely improvised, non-scripted, created in the moment, and you will never be pulled up on stage! Watch as comedians create magic, comedy, drama, perhaps even music, in front of your eyes.
Joining them on August 27th is Tired of Being Tired! This international comedy team is based in Copenhagen and create a comedy show with an interconnected world, based on your single suggestion!
Who are "That Thing We Do"?
These comedians are trained in a form of spontaneous comedy that enables them to create relatable and hilarious sketches live on stage. Taught and coached by some of the biggest names in US improv comedy this team brings a style of improv not regularly seen on stages in Denmark.
What is Spontaneous Comedy?
Spontaneous, or improvisational, comedy has no script or predetermined dialogue. Think sketch comedy but not even the performers know what will happen before it does.
The charm comes from the audience watching the actors on stage discover sketches in the moment and right in front of their eyes. How can we prove it's not scripted? Well, you are the one to give us the inspiration for the show!
Come, sit back, and laugh along with us as comedians weave your ideas into a tapestry of comedy gold!
Recommended age limit of 16+
To stay up to date with all of our Inconspicuous Comedy shows check out the website at
🎭 Inconspicuous Comedy brings you live English-language comedy shows across Copenhagen—from cozy bars 🍻 to grand theaters 🎟️.
Join us for unpredictable, unscripted fun 🎉 featuring local talent 🌟 and seasoned pros! 🎤
Each show is unique and a one-time experience. See each event for details on what you can expect from each of our different events
To stay up to date with all of our Inconspicuous Comedy shows check out the website at
Lygten Station-concert venue, comedy club, theatre, Lygten 2, 2400 København
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That Thing We Do: A Comedy Show + Guests // Inconspicuous Comedy Nights
Ab 60,00 DKK