Vital Labor – outdoor projection @BRUS
Vital Labor – outdoor projection @BRUS
Ab Kostenlos
Every item you are wearing was touched by hundreds of hands before reaching your body to provide warmth, hygiene and opportunities for personal expression. Come grab a beer at BRUS and see beyond the seams of your clothes!
Vital Labor is a public mural that reflects on the role of industrial labor in our urban cultures. The women and men depicted have migrated to urban centers like Shenzhen, China and Phnom Penh, Cambodia. They find jobs in factories in search of a better future while their work enables you to enjoy better fashion and comfort. Their labor also contributes to making the cities in which they live.
This mural is part of a series of projections onto current and formerly industrial spaces around Copenhagen relating histories of urban development across cultures and time. Vital Labor is comprised of photography and film by Sok Chanrado, Daniel Huang and Mikaela Kvan. It is the result of three years of research and several months of field work in China and Cambodia to reveal the impact of this industry on the China and Cambodia urban experience.
Who is Primary Voice?
Primary Voice is a collaborative project that documents the experience of people with urbanization and labor in changing societies via video, audio, and writing.
Brus’ ethos of exploration, celebration and serious brewing makes it a perfect backdrop to host this transient public mural for an evening. Originally built as an iron foundry, the building is an example of industrial architecture from Denmark’s own manufacturing history. And it is even more appropriate that industry has been revived by BRUS in pursuit of reestablishing and growing both industrial and cultural centers in Copenhagen. Come and grab a beer!
BRUS, Guldbergsgade 29, 2200 København
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Vital Labor – outdoor projection @BRUS
Ab Kostenlos