3. Aalborg International Guitar Composer Competition 2024
3. Aalborg International Guitar Composer Competition 2024
Fra DKK 350,00
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Aalborg Guitar Festival and Competitions invites entries for the Composers' Competition for the six-stringed classical guitar. The competition has been arranged in collaboration with Bergmann Edition and with the support of the Augustine Foundation and the William Demand Foundation.
One of the aims of the competition is to promote new work and enlarge the classical guitar repertoire. The intention is that the composer will meet the guitarist, and the guitarist will meet the audience.
General Guidelines and rules:
- Open to composers of all ages and nationalities.
- Compositions submitted must be written for solo guitar.
- Compositions must be written for the six-stringed classical guitar.
- Alternative tunings are acceptable.
- Fixed media and/or live electronics are not accepted.
- Compositions submitted must be no longer than 8 minutes.
- Composers may submit multiple works.
- Compositions submitted must be previously unpublished (not published by a commercial publishing house).
- The competition is organized by the society: Aalborg International Guitar Festival & Competitions.
- The decision of the jury is final. The judging system is an internal system and is not open to public discussion.
Remaining regulations:
- All potential problems and/or situations not covered by the above rules will be decided by the organizers of the competition
Aalborg Guitar Festival and Competitions invites entries for the Composers' Competition for the six-stringed classical guitar. The competition has been arranged in collaboration with Bergmann Edition and with the support of the Augustine Foundation and the William Demand Foundation.
One of the aims of the competition is to promote new work and enlarge the classical guitar repertoire. The intention is that the composer will meet the guitarist, and the guitarist will meet the audience.
General Guidelines and rules:
- Open to composers of all ages and nationalities.
- Compositions submitted must be written for solo guitar.
- Compositions must be written for the six-stringed classical guitar.
- Alternative tunings are acceptable.
- Fixed media and/or live electronics are not accepted.
- Compositions submitted must be no longer than 8 minutes.
- Composers may submit multiple works.
- Compositions submitted must be previously unpublished (not published by a commercial publishing house).
- The competition is organized by the society: Aalborg International Guitar Festival & Competitions.
- The decision of the jury is final. The judging system is an internal system and is not open to public discussion.
Remaining regulations:
- All potential problems and/or situations not covered by the above rules will be decided by the organizers of the competition
Aalborg Guitar Festival and Competitions invites entries for the Composers' Competition for the six-stringed classical guitar. The competition has been arranged in collaboration with Bergmann Edition and with the support of the Augustine Foundation and the William Demand Foundation.
One of the aims of the competition is to promote new work and enlarge the classical guitar repertoire. The intention is that the composer will meet the guitarist, and the guitarist will meet the audience.
General Guidelines and rules:
- Open to composers of all ages and nationalities.
- Compositions submitted must be written for solo guitar.
- Compositions must be written for the six-stringed classical guitar.
- Alternative tunings are acceptable.
- Fixed media and/or live electronics are not accepted.
- Compositions submitted must be no longer than 8 minutes.
- Composers may submit multiple works.
- Compositions submitted must be previously unpublished (not published by a commercial publishing house).
- The competition is organized by the society: Aalborg International Guitar Festival & Competitions.
- The decision of the jury is final. The judging system is an internal system and is not open to public discussion.
Remaining regulations:
- All potential problems and/or situations not covered by the above rules will be decided by the organizers of the competition
Aalborg Guitar Festival and Competitions invites entries for the Composers' Competition for the six-stringed classical guitar. The competition has been arranged in collaboration with Bergmann Edition and with the support of the Augustine Foundation and the William Demant Foundation.
One of the aims of the competition is to promote new work and enlarge the classical guitar repertoire. The intention is that the composer will meet the guitarist, and the guitarist will meet the audience.
General Guidelines and rules:
- Open to composers of all ages and nationalities.
- Compositions submitted must be written for solo guitar.
- Compositions must be written for the six-stringed classical guitar.
- Alternative tunings are acceptable.
- Fixed media and/or live electronics are not accepted.
- Compositions submitted must be no longer than 8 minutes.
- Composers may submit multiple works.
- Compositions submitted must be previously unpublished (not published by a commercial publishing house).
- The competition is organized by the society: Aalborg International Guitar Festival & Competitions.
- The decision of the jury is final. The judging system is an internal system and is not open to public discussion.
Remaining regulations:
- All potential problems and/or situations not covered by the above rules will be decided by the organizers of the competition
The largest guitar festival in Denmark. You can hear Classical, Modern, Jazz & Blues – Flamenco, Folk music, music for everyone – young and old.
Meet new guitar friends at a concert, workshop, competition or at an exhibition
adresse, Hasserisvej 147, 9000 Aalborg
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