AEC Hackathon 7.0 - Copenhagen
AEC Hackathon 7.0 - Copenhagen
Fra DKK 150,00
The AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) Hackathon was created in 2013 to give those designing, building, and maintaining our built environment the opportunity to collaborate with cutting edge technologies and its developers and designers. It has quickly become a community of innovators that include all elements of the built environment, not just AEC.
Each hackathon is brought to a location by the local AEC and or tech community. The AEC Hackathon community helps these locals make the event happen with financial support provided by both local and community sponsors.
This has become THE event for creating innovation for these industries so get engaged today! Our world faces fresh new problems that urgently need brilliant minds to solve them and this is the community that is improving how our world is designed, built, and operated.
The event will kickoff with Friday presentations from built environment industry leaders and then rollover into a weekend full of 'hacking'!
15.00 – 23.00 Doors are open
15.30 – 16.15 Tech Awards
16.30 – 17.00 Welcome and introduction by Torben Klitgaard (CEO of BLOXHUB) and Damon Hernandez (co-founder of AEC Hackathon)
17.00 – 18.00 Short tour of the venue
18.00 – 23.00 Lightning rounds 1 and 2, team formations and hack start
19.00 – 20.00 Standing dinner
22.00 – 23.00 Closing for the day
Free entrance all day for Tech Talks 13.00-18.00
Invite your colleagues and network to join us for a day with a wide variety of talks by industry professionals.
09.00 – 23.00 Doors are open
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 18.00 Tech Talks
18.00 – 19.00 Dinner
22.00 – 23.00 Closing for the day
09.00 – 18.30 Doors are open
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 17.00 Presentations and feedback (start time depends on number of groups)
17.00 – 17.30 Winners announced and thank you for this year’s AEC Hackathon
17.30 – 18.30 Light dinner
Find more information about AEC Hackathon @ BLOXHUB HERE!
When you sign up for the event we register your name and contact information. We use this information to contact you regarding the event, other Science Forum events in the future and we may use your name and company name in a participant list. We do not share your contact information. When you sign up we handle your information according to our privacy policy (see
BLOXHUB, Bryghusgade 8, 1473 København
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AEC Hackathon 7.0 - Copenhagen
Fra DKK 150,00