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AEC Hackathon @ BLOXHUB 2020

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AEC Hackathon @ BLOXHUB 2020

Fra DKK 112,50



21 feb 2020 kl. 16:00 - 23 feb 2020 kl. 17:00


Join us February 21st - 23rd!
Once again BLOXHUB partners up with the international hackathon organization, AEC Hackathon to bring together the brightest minds and innovators from the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industry.

Building off of last years success, we once again invite you to join us at BLOXHUB for a weekend in the name of disruption. Where thinking outside the box is encouraged and innovation and curiosity are the key components.

How it works
New to AEC Hackathons? No worries. Get to know the format here:

The AEC Hackathon was created to give those designing, building, and maintaining our built environment the opportunity to collaborate with cutting-edge technologies and its developers and designers. Over the course of three days, teams compete against each other while trying to find solutions for the problems they face in their everyday work.

The event kicks off with an opening reception and presentation where the event agenda is laid out as well as the venue that will be open for participants. After that 'Lightning Rounds' will start. They act as a quick way for participants to show each other what they want to work with and what their skills are.
If you have a problem you would like to focus on, this is where you get a chance to pitch it to the other participants and gather your dream team.

Afterward, it is time to start hacking! Remember to bring all of your cool gadgets and tech as there will be plenty of opportunities to use them. Just remember to prepare a presentation! In the final part of the event, the teams will present their projects to a panel of judges consisting of industry professionals.

More details about the schedule coming closer to kick off.

TECH Talks
Just like last year, Saturday will feature a range of various TECH Talks hosted by industry professionals.
Names and speakers coming closer to kick off.

Be an early bird and save up to 50% on your ticket!
- 50% discount until May 31st 
- 25% discount until October 31st



BLOXHUB BLOXHUB, Bryghusgade 8, 1473 København


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