Banned from Utopia - We're only in it for the Euros tour 2025
Banned from Utopia - We're only in it for the Euros tour 2025
Fra DKK 350,00
Progressive Circus are super proud to present three Scandinavian concerts with some of Zappa’s best musicians:
After two extremely powerful and appreciated gigs in Gothenburg and Stockholm March 2024, both the band and audience soon asked for a quick return, and voilà, new shows will happen in October 2025, now including Copenhagen that also need some Zappaism!
October 16 – Hotel Cecil, Copenhagen
October 17 – Musikens hus, Gothenburg
October 20 – Kulturhuset Studion, Stockholm, including Mats/Morgan duo
The members of this all-star band has been part of some of Zappa’s finest music, and will play a full set of selected FZ band and fan favourites, from various parts of Zappa’s eclectic career. The energy on stage from this band is amazing, and if you’ve liked anything of FZ, odds are that you will be knocked out by this show!
On stage you will see:
Robert Martin on vocals, keyboards and saxophone (Frank Zappa 1981-1988)
Chad Wackerman on drums(Frank Zappa 1981-1988)
Ray White on vocals and guitar (Frank Zappa 1976-1984)
Scott Thunes on bass (Frank Zappa 1981-1988)
Robbie Mangano on guitar and vocals (Grandmothers of invention)
Jamie Kime on guitar (Dweezil Zappa’s Zappa plays Zappa project 2006-2012)
Banned from Utopia with Mats/Morgan in Stockholm 2024:
Live reviews:
Six months after Frank Zappa’s death in 1993, a German Jazz festival contacted former members of Zappa’s various touring bands and asked if they would perform a tribute concert to commemorate Frank’s life and unique, profilic outpouring of creativity that had such a profound impact on the world of music. Though the loss of their friend and mentor was still fresh, the musicians were thrilled about the idea of bringing Zappa's music live to the stage once again. That was the start of Band from Utopia, later Banned from Utopia. A highly enthusiastic response from the Zappa fans and the success of a live release led to the band becoming a touring entity every now and then, but also releasing albums of their own with Zappa written or inspired music. The current incarnation features stellar musicians including four from Zappa’s final touring band, performing some of the very best live Frank Zappa music for you!!
In the word of Robert Martin himself:
"After the very first ZappaUnion Festival was such a success in Norway in 2012, my friends Erlend and Bjorn suggested that I come back in 2013 with a full band of Zappa alumni. I agreed that it was a great idea and reformed Banned From Utopia, a unique combination of musicians who first began performing in 1994 in a series of concerts to commemorate Frank's life and music. The band performed in various configurations over the next few years, but hasn't been seen for many years until now. WE'RE BACK, and very excited to play this great music for the fans that love it as much as we do."
Hotel Cecil, Niels Hemmingsens Gade 10, 1153 København
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