Cacao Contact Improvisation Explorations
Cacao Contact Improvisation Explorations
Fra DKK 60,00
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We invite you to join us when we open our space under the skylights at VIRKELIG for CACAO AND CONTACT IMPROVISATION EXPLORATIONS.
🤎 We are professional Alexander Technique teachers and amateur Contact Improvisation dancers, and on this evening we invite you to explore Listening Touch in combination with cacao and Contact Improvisation.
🤎 We love cacao for its delicious taste and its sensation-enhancing effects. We will be serving a raw cacao from Bolivia that is wild-harvested in the rainforest.
🤎 We enjoy Contact Improvisation dancing as a playground for exploring listening touch, internal flow and co-creation.
19.00 doors open and cacao is served
19.30-20.30 cacao contact listening touch introduction and guided warm up
20.30-22.00 jam/open dance floor
22.00 good night
Alexander Technique is a type of bodywork that applies a listening quality in hands-on touch, which allows the nervous systems to communicate through contact.
The contact can help bring awareness to subtle internal sensations and to the constant interplay happening between body and awareness within yourself and with other bodies.
With the listening touch as the main tool we can direct our attention either inwards or outwards.
Inwards to listening to subtle internal sensations, and outwards to organizing and structuring the mechanical body into coordinated movements.
Alexander Technique reveals that there is little to be taken for granted about bodily experiences.
Bodily sensations are multifarious and plastic - they can be uncovered, amplified, explored and articulated through conscious, intentional work.
The magic lies in the simple listening touch!
Contact Improvisation, also known as CI, is an improvised dance form, originated by Steve Paxton in the 1970’s in the US, that is now practiced all over the globe.
In Contact Improvisation touch and weight-sharing are central drivers of exploring movement.
By bringing an awareness of ‘listening touch’ into our CI-practice we can curiously investigate where the impulse to move comes from.
This is a social playground for Contact Improvisation.
We provide a space, serve cacao and give a guided warm up and introduction to listening touch. The rest is co-created by the participants. All levels of experience are welcome.
We offer this event with cacao (90 kr.) or without cacao (60 kr).
VIRKELIG, Tagensvej 85C, 2200 København
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