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    Ceramics in process and pottery in ancient ritual

    Afholdt event

    Ceramics in process and pottery in ancient ritual

    Fra Gratis



    19 sep 2024 kl. 18:00 - 21:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    The artists at Containerakademiet invites the public to an evening dedicated to ceramics in contemporary art and in ancient rituals. The event will offer a showcase of experimental ceramics, a collective meal, outdoor campfire and, as a highlight, a lecture by Susanne Kerner, associate professor at the University of Copenhagen in Near Eastern Archeology.

    Through the lecture and collective conversation, we will allow the topic of ceramics to unfold its broader political and social context as a medium connected to the organising of domestic space, social interaction and cultural exchange. Moving from the scale of the household and local community, we will approach the role of ceramics in larger movements of habitation, civilisation and state formation.


    19 September 2024, 6:00-9:00PM (lecture starts at 7:00PM.)

    Containerakademiet, Oceanvej 1, 2150 Nordhavn

    The event is free to attend but requires a ticket reservation via Billetto


    Susanne Kerner studied Near Eastern Archaeology, Ethnography and Ancient Oriental Languages at Free University Berlin. She was the director of the German Protestant Institute for Archaeology and History in Amman, Jordan and lived in Jordan from 1988 to 1996. Since 2004 she is Associate Professor in Near Eastern Archaeology at the now Department of Cross-cultural and Regional Research in Copenhagen, Denmark, where she had been responsible for the “ancient topics”. She has directed and co-directed several excavations and surveys in Jordan from the Neolithic to the Classic periods, including very different projects from Roman water systems in Umm Qais, surveys around Mafraq and Chalcolithic villages. The Ritual Landscape of Murayghat is the latest project consisting of survey and excavation of dolmens, standing stones and other non-vernacular architecture. Other works included the responsibility for a local museum, preparation of exhibitions and organisation of several conferences. She has edited and written a number of books and articles, focusing on topics such as social complexity, food and identity, theoretical archaeology and rituals and she is particularly interested in the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age.

    The artists at Containerakademiet in Nordhavnen invites the public to participate in a series of ongoing events, based on questions and conversation that arises from contemporary artistic practice and its conditions. In 2024 the event-series is organized by Vibe Overgaard and Philipp Moritz Karweick who have put together a diverse program that addresses topics ranging from urban development to the archeology of ceramics. The series put forward both lectures, workshops, presentation of art work, screenings, social events with food and drinks and much more. The program intends to strengthen the professional and social conversation amongst artists with an open invitation for a broader public to participate. The event-series is supported by Art Hub Copehagen.


    Art Hub Copenhagen (AHC) er en faciliterende, eksperimenterende og netværksskabende kunstinstitution i København.

    Vi tilbyder residencies for kunstnere, internationale udviklingsprogrammer, tværfaglige fællesskaber og offentlige events, som præsenterer og diskuterer kunstnerisk arbejde og forskning.

    Art Hub Copenhagen (AHC) er til for billedkunstnere, for forskere, for samarbejdspartnere og for alle, der er nysgerrige på samtidens kunst.


    Containerakademiet, Oceanvej 1, 2150 Nordhavn


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    Afholdt event

    Ceramics in process and pottery in ancient ritual