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Ecstatic Dance Ceremony @ The Tribe - Charlottenlund Slot

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Ecstatic Dance Ceremony @ The Tribe - Charlottenlund Slot

Fra DKK 200,00



07 jul 2021 kl. 19:00 - 22:00



Freedom through Ecstatic Dance  🌈🔥💃🕺


Welcome to the most exclusive Ecstatic Dance location in Denmark. We open the royal chambers of Charlottenlund Slot and invite you for an evening ceremony of movement, sound and profound energy.Ecstatic dance is being merged with a Ceremonial practice, invoking Sacred space for an inner and collective journey to unfold.

This is an invitation to approach dance as a moving meditation and self-healing practice, as subconscious layers within may reveal themselves throughout the journey.Invoking this sacred space will allow you to freely express yourself and let

your body guide you to dive deeper into who you truly are. It is an opportunity to amplify your energy within and connect with Source energy. The ceremony will be rounded of by allowing your Soul to express its sound through your personal and intuitive light language.Throughout the ceremony the facilitator will be channeling energy through movement, sound and light language in service of the common energy of the space.Come celebrate your Body, Mind and Soul being awake and alive!

19-19.15 Arrival
19.15 Welcome, opening ceremony and intention setting.
19.45 Ecstatic Dance journey begins
21.15 Soul Sound expression
21.30 Sensory meditation and integration ceremony
22 Good magical night

There'll be supplies and fruit for you during the event.

Good idea if you bring a pillow or blanket to sit / lay on during the relaxation phases.

Tickets are non refundable through the venue. You can buy ticket insurance through Billetto.



What is Ecstatic Dance

Ecstatic dance has been practiced in its various forms and interpretations throughout human history. Since ancient times, dance has been a method to free oneself and utilized to alter consciousness in spiritual practice. It was expressed in the ancient greece by the maneads in the tribe of Dionysos and has also been an ancient practice within shamanism

throughout the world.Modern ecstatic dance was revived in the 1970’s. It is now found in many variations across the western world with a common foundation of being a space for : Free bodily expression in a substance free room. A barefoot dance floor where boundaries are respected and no talking is happening.



The facilitator

Cornelia from The Tribe is an embodied movement / sound facilitator and ceremonialist. She draws upon principles and methods inherent from a grand variety of experiences as a body therapist, ecstatic dance facilitator, vision quest guide, sound healer, clairvoyant, yoga and meditation teacher. Throughout the last 10 years she has learned and worked alongside many Shamans and self-development teachers hosted ceremonies, retreats and facilitated sweet lodges. Passionate about creating a professional, creative and wholehearted space for you to explore your true essence. She is a mentor, multi-artist and healer weaving together ancient wisdom from all corners of the world with her own intuitive practice and academic background. This provides the space with integrity, knowledge and wholesome understanding of many walks of life.




Velkommen til Danmarks mest eksklusive Ecstatic Dance.Vi åbner Charlottenlund Slot og inviterer dig til en aftenceremoni med fri dans bevægelse og dyb energi.Tag med på en indre og kollektiv rejse i dans som meditation i bevægelse.

Vi inviterer din krop, dit sind, din sjæl, til at være vågen, i live, og vække de underbevidste lag indeni.Ecstatic Dance feltet vi skaber giver muligheden for frit at udtrykke dig, lade din krop guide dig og dykke dybere ned i, hvem du virkelig er.

19-19.15 Ankomst
19.15 Velkomst, åbningsceremoni og intention
21.15 Lyde fra Sjælen
21.30 Sensorisk meditation og integrationsceremoni
22 Vi ønsker dig en forsat god magisk aften

Der er frugt og ceremoniel vand undervejs.

God idé at medbringe pude eller tæppe.


This is a sacred invitation for you to unify with your inner being through Ecstatic dancing, movement, sound and silence in a ceremonial setting ~We welcome all and appreciate your presence. You can come alone or invite a group of friends for initiation.

⭐Joyning as a team or modern tribe ⭐

Are you as a team, business or other group interested in working deeper

with yourself and as a group through dance and ceremonial practices, please feel free to contact The Tribe at in@thetribe.dk

Looking for a creative mentor to support your intuitive leadership -within your
self or for your business, feel free to contact as well.



Teambuilding | Events | Workshops | Communications


The Tribe is an event and teambuilding agency based in the idyllic Charlottenlund Castle, just a few kilometers north of Copenhagen. We are rooted in anthropology, the Enneagram, live gaming and storytelling, as we host events for companies and occasional private events, workshops and evolving journeys. 

Go to The Tribe event & teambuilding

The Tribe er et teambuilding og eventbureau der byder på en udviklingsrejse for dig og dit team eller hele arbejdspladsen. Vi har rødder i antropologien, laver vores egne unikke gruppe dynamiske spil og bygger vores fundament gennem Enneagrammet og storytelling.

Vores team oplevelser er udviklet gennem flere år, iscenesat i royale rammer til den perfekte teamdag eller firmaoplevelse.

Velkommen til en anderledes og fordybende oplevelse, i magiske omgivelser på Charlottenlund Slot.

Læs mere om The Tribe teambuilding og eventbureau

The Tribe teambuilding og firmaevents


The Tribe events & teambuilding - Charlottenlund Slot The Tribe - Charlottenlund Slot, Jægersborg Allé 1, 2920 Charlottenlund


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