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Faculty of Senses, Meeting #3

Afholdt event

Faculty of Senses, Meeting #3

Fra DKK 40,00



28 feb 2020 kl. 20:00 - 23:00


Aesthetics of mapping in interactive arts and embodiment. Performance Lectures by Marije Baalman and Mads Bech Paluszewski-Hau.

Humans have been making technology to extend the capabilities of their bodies (including the mind) for millennia. Currently, digital technologies are at the forefront of this – and technology is often used as a synonym for digital technology. As Gottfried Willem Raes put it during a panel discussion at the NIME 2007: "There is nothing more human than the machine”

When the artist and researcher Marije Baalman tours through Scandinavia presenting her new book "Just a Question of Mapping", she will visit our series of meetings to give a talk she calls "Aesthetics of mapping in interactive arts and embodiment". She will discuss different aesthetic motivations and how these relate to notions of embodiment and possible design approaches for creating interactive systems.

Next to her we will meet sound artist and composer Mads Bech Paluszewski-Hau. He will give his lecture performance, Insomnia, a project made in collaboration with artist Mie Hørlyck Mogensen using an approach they call "Acoustic animation as self-therapy".

After their lecture performances we'll enjoy a special drink. And let's discuss more about technologies, senses and bodies!

About Faculty of Senses Meeting Series.

Faculty of Senses Meetings is a series of Performances, talks and discussions. The series focus on topics around our human bodies as mechanical systems working together with our consciousness and sensory apparatus. At the meetings we look into techniques, methods, rituals and tools that can be used to train our consciousness and shed light on its limitation incl. our ability to perceive and our (limited) ability to perceive on an interhuman level.

Through this activity, we wish to establish an open community of people interested in this field. A goal on the way is to open sources the process of the artistic ideas for shared inspiration.

About the artists:

Marije Baalman, Artist and researcher/developer



Mads Bech Paluszewski-Hau, sound artist and composer


Organized in collaboration with Kommunal Kunst og Teknik and Støberiet.


Faculty of Senses (FoS) is an artist-run initiative that explores new cross sensory art forms through research, public talks, workshops and performance.

FoS focuses on the senses and the apparatuses both within and external to the body that we use to perceive and engage with the world.

FoS creates public platforms in which artist practitioners and researchers engage with and reflect on these sensory apparatuses within a cultural-historical framework.

FoS aims to create an “open source” inspired model for creating community around these topics.


Støberiet Støberiet, Korsgade 30, 2200 København N


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