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From Conflict to Collaboration - Workshop

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From Conflict to Collaboration - Workshop

Fra Gratis



26 mar 2020 kl. 17:00 - 20:00


In this workshop, we will take a deep dive into the topic of empathetic communication. We’ll briefly cover the basics to make sure we’re all on the same page and then jump into practical exercises where you can try out your new superpower!

We all know the tight knot in our stomach when conflict arises and we are frustrated, triggered or angry. As much as we hate it, conflict is an unavoidable part of (work)life. Learning how to handle it is therefore crucial for a more fulfilling and happier life. 

In this workshop you will practice using empathic communication as a tool for dealing with conflict. From arguments such as “Who took the last coffee?” to “We’re about to lose our client if you don't get your act together!” - nothing is too big or small, the principles are the same. 

This tool will allow you to use conflicts to deepen connection instead of losing it and to create more joyful and mutually beneficial outcomes for yourself and others.  

What you'll learn at the workshop:

  • We will learn about the principles of empathic communication and practice applying them through educational games in a safe environment.
      • We will develop skills to handle conflicts in professional and personal contexts.

      How? By building awareness of our conversation patterns, learning ways to listen to others more empathically, learning to recognize and express our needs clearly and finding win-win outcomes.


      Viktor Beregszászi - MSc in Innovation Management and founder of the facilitation firm - Innovation Haven. He helps groups flourish through combining group-development science with play and human-centric communication. Read more on: https://innovationhaven.com/ 

      Philipp Mitterhofer - Coach and communication trainer with a focus of creating more rich and fulfilling lives through self awareness, communication and empathy. Read more on: https://www.facebook.com/CoachPhilMitt/


      • Fee: Free of charge but limited spaces. Sign up on the ticket link to secure your spot
      • Bring: Note-taking tools and an open mind
      • Language: The event is in English and to fully participate, you need to be able to comfortably speak and understand English

      Join and build a more fulfilling life for yourself, step by step.


      Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Pl. 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Copenhagen


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