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    Fundraising: Online follow-up Q&A – the Danish Arts Foundation x Design denmark

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    Fundraising: Online follow-up Q&A – the Danish Arts Foundation x Design denmark

    Fra Gratis



    14 sep 2022 kl. 14:30 - 16:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Du kan trygt booke hos os: Billetto garanterer refundering via tilbagebetaling for aflyste events. Læs mere
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    This webinar will be in Danish.

    How is the process of reviewing applications, when the Danish Arts Foundation (Statens Kunstfond) awards grants and project funding? What do the committees value, and what is the difference between project funding and working grants?

    - And how can knowledge of this help you as a designer in your application process?

    On August 30th, representatives from the two committees Committee for Crafts and Design, Grants and Committee for Crafts and Design, Project Funding shared insight into the process of project funding and working grants – as well as knowledge about their work and available funding schemes.

    Now you can join the online follow-up with the chance to view (or review) the fundraising event and learn about the strategy of both committees and the different opportunities for you as a designer – followed by a Q&A with the secretariat for the two committees, who is ready to answer practical questions about the process of project funding and working grants – ahead of the autumn application deadline.

    Date: September 14th, 2022

    Time: 02.30 – 04.00 PM

    Place: Online via Zoom

    Price: Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.

    Please note that this event will be recorded. By registering for this event, you automatically give consent to the use of the footage.

    The Danish Arts Foundation

    The Danish Arts Foundation has 12 professional committees covering the arts and four committees across the fields. Each committee allocate grants or project funding based on applications and defines the quality criteria on which the assessment is based.

    Committee for Crafts and Design, Grants

    Awards working grants based on applications from designers and craftspeople.

    Committee for Crafts and Design, Project Funding

    Awards grants to projects within the production, exhibition and communication of design and crafts.

    Upcoming deadline at The Danish Arts Foundation: Craft and design projects in Denmark and abroad

    Deadline: 27.09.2022, 02:00 PM

    Funding for production, exhibitions, shows, trade fairs, seminars, and communication projects concerning Danish craft and design in Denmark and abroad.

    Photocredit: The Danish Arts Foundation



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    Afholdt event

    Fundraising: Online follow-up Q&A – the Danish Arts Foundation x Design denmark