Hardcore Easter: Dethroned [DE] + Hard Lessons + Mite + Sloevsind
Hardcore Easter: Dethroned [DE] + Hard Lessons + Mite + Sloevsind
Fra DKK 100,00
Påsken i år bliver hardcore hvor tyske Dethroned spiller Stengade på langfredag sammen med danske Hard Lessons, MITE og Sloevsind.
After forming the band at the end of 2018, Dethroned already released their first album in February 2019 via Snakepath Records, followed by a second EP in October 2019 via Injustice Records. Since then, the four-piece from Dresden have known exactly where the hammer hangs. Namely, where it is easy to reach to strike immediately. And that is exactly what they show when they are on tour. They leave nothing but a trail of destruction in their wake.
Dethroned describe their music as hardcore death metal crossover with a good dose of groove - there is really no more to say about it. With the split EP in 2020, the riff power of Slavation, also an Injustice Records in-house band, and Dethroned were bound and concentrated into vinyl form to continue exactly where the last EP left off.
The EP "Primal Instinct," released in 2022, raised the sound and riff level even further. With current trends adapted in their own way as an acoustic weapon, they attack the listener. The band's sound encompasses everything from two-steps and blast beats to side-to-sides and guttural growls. Their latest EP, "Primal Instinct," delves into the darkest corners of human experience and touches on themes such as death, madness, defeat, sin and lost love. Despite the melodic undertones, the music remains ominous and deadly. Dethroned's lyrics express a longing for redemption and freedom from the pain and turmoil of life.
Dethroned are known for their unique stage presence, especially the frontman's signature dance moves, which have garnered a lot of attention on social media. His strong statements against homophobia have further cemented the band's message of inclusion, which has resonated deeply with their audience - the video went viral on Instagram (over 810,000 views) and TikTok this spring. Their shows are known for leaving a trail of destruction wherever they play, making each performance an unforgettable experience.
Hard Lessons:
Hard Lessons are not here to take it easy. This Danish heavy hardcore band brings brutal riffs, heavy breakdowns and an energy that hits like a fist. Inspired by the hardest part of the American hardcore scene, Hard Lessons creates a sound that hits hard and leaves its mark. This is hardcore without a filter, and if you are ready to be blown away, Hard Lessons is ready to deliver
Mite, the hellish power violence/hardcore band, released their new album "Trials of Man" on September 13th. With their raw, relentless sound and aggressive live shows, Mite has gained recognition in the metal scene. Their music is an incomparable release of anger and energy, perfect for those seeking the ultimate metal experience. Members Peter Sandvig (vocals), Ebbe Grøn (guitar), Lasse Skyttegaard (drums) and Jeppe Christiansen (bass) deliver an unforgettable live performance.
Out of the darkness of the abyss, SLOEVSIND roars forth like a merciless storm that leaves your world in ruins. With a brutal hardcore sound, inspired by Harms Way, END and Nails, SLOEVSIND circle kicks the door into the mind and shakes up the heavy feelings we dare not talk about. Through grinding riffs and hard-hitting breakdowns, SLOEVSIND engulfs you in the darkness of the mind and chills you down into the abyss with a relentless heaviness that is as gloomy and hard-hitting as the inner music describes. The result is a captivating live show that is up to mosh pits, 2-stepping and circle pits, where you are dragged into the eye of the storm and come face to face with your inner demons.
Entry: 100 kr (limited amount early-bird tickets on sale until midnight on 11th of February or sold out) / 130 kr in pre-sale / 150 kr at the door!
Spillestedet Stengade is a progressive user-driven music venue in the middle of Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The music profile at Spillestedet Stengade is diverse - often based on the local underground but also with a large number of international artists.
The house's many dedicated volunteers are the absolute lifeblood of Stengade, who run our approx. 200 concert events per year. Without them there wouldn't be any shows!
Spillestedet Stengade, Stengade 18, 2200 København
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