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Peru Sound Healing Concert and Workshop by Shaman and healer Martin Del Carpio

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Peru Sound Healing Concert and Workshop by Shaman and healer Martin Del Carpio

Fra DKK 150,00



30 aug 2019 kl. 19:30 - 21:00


Vi inviterer til Lydhealingsceremoni og koncert ifølge  tradtionerne fra Andsbjergene i Peru og de gamle Inkaer d. 30.8 og workshop d. 1.9. Læs om workshoppen længere nede i tråden. 

This ceremony is a place/time to gather with a collective prayer for ourselves, all our relations and Mother Earth."

WHAT IS A ANDEAN SOUND HEALING CEREMONY?This ceremony is an invitation to reflect on ourselves, our purpose in life and on everything that surrounds us.
🌿 Natives hold that there are sounds and songs that are printed in our memory. From the beginning rituals and ceremonies have been accompanied by sound, from icaros in sacred plants ceremonies to drums in the Native American's rituals, guiding and creating an introspective journey.
🌿 Through ancestral songs and sounds that serve to reconnect us with the true essence of who we are as well as with the true essence of everything around us.
🌿 As the spirit of the sounds is coming through, balance is restored to our mental, physical and emotional bodies, our self - awareness opens and expands, and we experience peace of mind and heart. The sound also brings the possibility to open blockages in all our bodies,  taking us to a state of trance and meditation.

WHAT WILL WE DO?We call upon the spirit of our ancestors through ancient Peruvian instruments and various shamanic elements. Martin shares his exploration with the ancestral instruments for healing purposes related to shamanism, Andean cosmovision and ontological coaching. He moves with the ancestral instruments, guided by his intuition, through three levels of awareness or times and spaces, in which the Peruvian ancestors constantly moved in.
In practical terms, the process happens by lying down on a mat or sitting on a pillow. A safe and free space is created with non-judgment and no expectations to set the necessary conditions for participants to explore and express their authentic truth.  
WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED TO KNOW?🌿 Martin is a native Spanish speaker and will guide in English

Shaman Musiker og Healer Martin Del Carpio fra Peru besøger som noget helt unikt  Danmark for første gang med sine præ-spanske ceremonielle instrumenter fra Andesbjergene, hvor han har boet og studeret de gamle traditioner. Han  transformere energien i rummet ved at skabe en meditativ intuitiv magisk koncert med de smukke forløsnende og opløftende toner klange sange og vibrationer fra en svunden tid, dybt i sjælene og fra universets hjerte, og den danske sanger og lydhealer  Karmel Perran vil  komplementere med sin guddommelige sang. 

Martin Del Carpio er musiker fra Peru og har brugt hele sit liv på at arbejde med disse sjældne instrumenter og de gamle trationer med

Martin Del Carpio is a sound healer, spiritual leader and ontological coach from Peru.

He has lived in the Sacred Valley of Cusco for various years; where he has been exploring shamanism, Pre-Hispanic instruments, Andean cosmovision, medicine music and traditional medicine.

In 2005 he specialised in different meditation techniques. Since 2006 he has been working and providing reiki and meditation.

These services have guided him towards his following explorations and learnings in the Sacred Valley of the Peruvian Andes.

Workshop 1.9

On Sunday Martin Del Carpio hosts a 4 hour workshop 'exploring your inner sound'.

In this profound workshop you will learn and connect with the Andean ancestors' perspective upon life and you will explore how to connect yourself with the ancestral instruments with healing purposes, related to shamanism.

“Natives hold that there are sounds and songs that are printed in our memory - ancestral songs and sounds that serve to reconnect us with the true esscence of who we are as well as with the true essence of everything around us.
In this sound healing ceremony and workshop we call upon the spirit of our ancestors through ancient Peruvian instruments and various shamanic elements. As the spirit of the sounds is coming through, balance is restored to our mental, physical and emotional bodies, our self - awareness opens and expands, and we experience peace of mind and heart. This ceremony is a place/time to gather with a collective prayer for ourselves, all our relations and Mother Earth”.

Part 1: Ukupacha
Andean sound healing: shamanic ceremony for healing purposes

Part 2: Kaypacha
Part 2.1:
Introduction to the Andean cosmovision (how the Andean ancestors saw life)

Part 2.2:
Introduction to the ancestral instruments

Part 3: Hananpacha
Introduction to the exploration of the ancestral sounds for healing purposes.

Workshop 1.9 kl 12-16 at Be Moved, Suomisvej 2, Kbh. 


Arrangør af healende lyd og vibration


Be moved Copenhagen Be moved Copenhagen, Suomisvej 2, 1927 Frederiksberg


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