Сhristmas concert by Shchedryk Choir from Ukraine
Сhristmas concert by Shchedryk Choir from Ukraine
Fra Gratis
On December 8 at 19:00, the Ukraine House in Denmark is inviting you to a Christmas Concert of the oldest running professional youth choir from Ukraine, “Shchedryk”.
The event is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first performance of the most popular Christmas carol in the world, "Shchedryk", also known as "Carol of the Bells”, based on the work of the Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych (1877-1921). It will also be celebrated by the choristers on the stage of Carnegie Hall in New York on December 4th and they will visit Copenhagen on their way back to Europe.
Shchedryk is one of the most accoladed youth choirs in the world, winner of numerous gran prix at the leading musical and choir festivals, with the most recent being winning the first place with honors "Outstanding Success" in their category at XIII Summa Cum Laude International Youth Music festival (Austria), 2019. Shchedryk's repertoire includes about 1,000 works from the Renaissance and Baroque, classical, romantic and modern music, and folk songs from around the world. Unfortunately, due to Russia's invasion, the young musicians of the choir recently have been rehearsing during power outages in Kyiv, in the darkness of the local Palace of Arts, with only flashlights illuminating the musical scores.
The program in Copenhagen will include international and Ukrainian Christmas classics and modern masterpieces alike. Among them: "Shchedryk", a traditional Ukrainian folk song arr. by Mykola Leontovych, "Somewhere in My Memory" by John Williams from the movie "Home alone", "Silent Night" by Franz Gruber, "Krokoveye Koleso" by Hanna Havrylets, "Hallelujah" by Valentyn Sylvestrov and others.
Tickets: 125 DKK
The entrance is free for сhildren below 16 and for displaced persons from Ukraine (please do not forget your passport as proof of ID).
The Ukraine House in Denmark is a home away from home for Ukrainians in Denmark and a focal point for Danes who are learning about Ukraine as a country with rich European heritage and culture. We strive to create a lasting positive impact of Ukraine on the Ukrainian-Danish collaboration, security, and lasting peace in Europe. We promote Ukraine’s heritage, contemporary culture, innovative creative entrepreneurship, and initiate opportunities to strengthen Ukraine’s collaboration with Denmark and other Nordic countries.
Helligaandskirken (The Church of The Holy Spirit), Niels Hemmingsens Gade 5, 1153 København
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Сhristmas concert by Shchedryk Choir from Ukraine
Fra Gratis