Fra DKK 255,00
SOLD OUT - please sign up for the waiting list. We will contact you if any seats free up.
Joe Barbieri • "Vulío" a tribute to the Neapolitan song
It is with great joy and excitement that we present the Italian singer and guitarist, Joe Barbieri. Joe is a well established name in Italy and Europe, that with his subtle and gentle voice tells us stories from far and wide. He has a long standing friendship with Paolo Russo through music and their joined passion for the Italian cultural and musical tradition.
Joe Barbieri presents "Vulío" his new live project: a passionate and personal journey through the timeless pearls (and a few future classics) of Neapolitan music, to which, as a native Neapolitan, he obviously feels particularly attached.
During his long career (which has recently crossed the 30-year mark) Joe Barbieri has always considered the totem of the classical musical tradition of his homeland almost untouchable: "Those who know me know how much respectful modesty I have for Neapolitan classical music," says the artist, "a modesty that over the years has often led me to desist from touching this treasure chest. However, inside me has always burned the 'vulío,' a word from my mother tongue that I find beautiful and that means 'desire.'" A word that also has to do with the wings of dreams and the ambition to pay homage to all those works of art that have always illuminated Joe Barbieri's artistic steps. "In fact, today that I well understand how important it is in life to let go of gestures of love, so as not to accumulate useless and belated regrets, I felt it was time to pay a due and free homage to my beloved Naples," adds the singer-songwriter.
Joe Barbieri is a fascinating anomaly, an outsider who has been able to build a personal path outside the industry track and who has succeeded in the rare goal of channeling the genuine appreciation of colleagues, critics and the public.
Barbieri has released 6 albums of original songs, two tribute albums dedicated to his tutelary deities in jazz - namely Chet Baker and Billie Holiday - and a monograph chiselled around Neapolitan Music titled "Vulío" (2024).
Joe's music is released in many countries around the world, and his personal stylistic code - which links the songwriting to jazz and world music - has led him over the years to cross paths with colleagues in each of these fields (from Pino Daniele to Omara Portuondo, from Stacey Kent to Luz Casal, from Jorge Drexler to Jaques Morelenbaum) and to tread some of the most prestigious stages on the planet.
Regarding tickets and payment:
If the concert is sold out - please sign up for the waiting list and we will notify you directly.
Limited Early Bird tickets available until one week before the concert or until sold out. If your funds are limited please contact us directly for a flexible ticket price.
If the concert is not sold out - tickets at the door 300 DKK (40€)
Payment at Paolo's Jazz Club: MobilePay or cash (DKK or EUR)
Read more about Paolo's Jazz Club at where you can also join the mailinglist.
Zina Zinetti Music
Record label, publishing and management.
Organizer and Manager of Paolo's Jazz Club on Møn in Denmark.
Paolo's Jazz Club, Vollerupgade 55, 4792 Askeby
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Fra DKK 255,00