Kanaan [NO] + Special Guests: Psychlona [UK]
Kanaan [NO] + Special Guests: Psychlona [UK]
Fra DKK 160,00
OBS! Somali Yacht Club kan desværre ikke forlade Ukraine grundet den Russiske invasion. Derfor bliver det kun Kanaan og Psychlona som spiller den aften.
Vi er enorm stolte at præsentere en unik lineup hvor Kanaan - Somali Yacht Club og Psychlona slår sig sammen for en enkel aften og det er aftenen før Kristi Himmelfartsdag så ingen stress! Det bliver en syret ørken vandring fyldt med stoner rock, psych rock, 60's/70's vibe og acid jams.
Europe's most hardworking rock band Kanaan will on the 25th of november release their sixth studio album in four years. Softly Through Sunshine will be the first volume of the “Diversions''- series. A series of coming consecutive album efforts which will document Kanaan's jam sessions, diverse musical collaborations, sonic experimentation and artistic sidestepping.
The album was composed, written and recorded within a span of five days at the remote “Flerbruket” studio at Hemnes in Norway. Together with the in-demand organ player Håvard Ersland they´ve recorded five tracks which show a high degree of musical width and curiosity but also a strong sense of aesthetic unity and wholeness. The album was recorded and mixed by Mikkel Reinem Moen who also gave his creative contributions to the production of the album.
Minimalism, contemporary psychedelia and ecstatic acid-jams is what constitutes the musical landscape which Kanaan and Håvard are voyaging through. Erlsand contributes with outer-worldly synthesizers, acoustic piano and his signature cranked hammond organ. Sessions vol 1: Softly Through Sunshine documents spontaneity and fertile creativity in a meeting between an open-minded, cutting edge and explosive rock band and one of Norway's most interesting keyboard players.
Somali Yacht Club:
Somali Yacht Club is a psychedelic stoner rock trio from Lviv, Ukraine. Started in 2010 as the idea of members of different Lviv bands to jam together, became a main band for all members soon. In 2011 self-released the demo EP called Sandsongs. Played numerous shows in Ukraine and shared stage with bands like Elder, Kadavar, Red Fang, The Machine, Stoned Jesus, Mars Red Sky and others.
First album "The Sun" was been released on September 11, 2014 (Robustfellow). After 2015 release of LP "The Sun" (Bilocation Records) went on first European tour with Ethereal Riffian (UA).
In 2018 was released second album "The Sea" (Robustfellow, Bilocation Records). Went on tours after this with "Straytones" (UA), "Stoned Jesus"(UA). Played at Void, Swamp, Keep It Low and Garmonbozia festivals.
Psychlona was born in Bradford, England during the summer of 2016, emerging from the ashes of various bands from the area. The sound quickly found its natural path taking influences from all things punk rock, the California desert rock scene, 60s/70s hard rock and psychedelia, and pretty much everything else in between.
Fast forward to August 2020, and with an acclaimed debut album [Mojo Rising - 2018] already under their belts, the sophomore album Venus Skytrip (Ripple Music/Cursed Tongue Records) was unleashed to rave reviews across the board, landing straight in at number one on the Doom Charts and ranking highly on numerous end-of-year lists from notable publications, including number two on the Doom Charts 2020 list, behind only Lowrider.
Vinyl copies of the album sold out during the pre-order phase and is currently on its third pressing through Blues Funeral Recordings. Psychlona signed with Psycho Waxx - the in-house label from Psycho Las Vegas - in 2021, and third album Palo Verde became the first non-compilation release on the emergent label in August 2022.
The new album has received critical acclaim, including the band's second 10/10 review in Powerplay Magazine.
Entry: 160 kr (excl. ticket fee) / 175 kr at the door!
Spillestedet Stengade is a progressive user-driven music venue in the middle of Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The music profile at Spillestedet Stengade is diverse - often based on the local underground but also with a large number of international artists.
The house's many dedicated volunteers are the absolute lifeblood of Stengade, who run our approx. 200 concert events per year. Without them there wouldn't be any shows!
Spillestedet Stengade Spillestedet Stengade, Stengade 18, 2200 København
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Kanaan [NO] + Special Guests: Psychlona [UK]
Fra DKK 160,00