Knowledge-Sharing Session 3
Knowledge-Sharing Session 3
Fra Gratis
Join us for a series of knowledge-sharing sessions featuring artists and ceramic professionals from diverse European backgrounds as they discuss sustainable practices in contemporary ceramics. Representing knowledge and research broadly from Europe and Japan, these three sessions will explore innovative approaches to sustainable ceramic practices, discuss and look at the role of industry and production practices in a historical context, and introduce substantial research on local materials and the influence of ancient crafts in today's ceramic practices.
The knowledge-sharing sessions aim to inspire about how ceramic practices can minimize environmental impact while enhancing artistic expression. They foster the sharing of ways to implement these innovations in your own practice, gain inspiration, or deepen insight into ceramic arts.
Online engagement through instagram @europeanglassceramiccontext will provide the opportunity to ask questions, comment on posts/stories with questions, and contribute to the content of the knowledge sharing session. We encourage you to actively engage and be part of the conversation.
TITLE: Reconsidering the past to form a sustainable future
CONTENT: Since the 18th century, the island of Bornholm in Denmark has been a centre of industrial ceramic production due to its rich natural resources, large clay deposits and granite. Even after the natural resources have been exhausted, the legacy of generations of making has a palpable resonance on the island. These post-industrial and heritage sites are now part of the recognizable cultural identity of Bornholm.
Today's contemporary ceramicists stand on the shoulders of ceramic production, and it is important to reconsider past practices to form a sustainable future for ceramics.
This session will begin with a tour of the historic site and living museum of Hjorths Fabrik, one of the best-preserved industrial monuments in Scandinavia, where ceramic production dates back to 1862. Three artists and writers represented in ECC2024 will present their projects. A panel will discuss, inspire, and share knowledge between participants and guests both on site at the academy and through SoMe.
Hjorths Fabrik, Krystalgade 5, 3700 Rønne
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Knowledge-Sharing Session 3
Fra Gratis