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    LEELA - Self-discovery in a form of a board game

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    LEELA - Self-discovery in a form of a board game

    Fra DKK 85,00



    08 dec 2024 kl. 14:00 - 16:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Interested in Self-discovery? What if you can do it in a form of a Board Game?

    Join us for an insightful 2-hour Leela Game Workshop ✨ 🃏

    Workshop is facilitated by Darja Sirjajeva (@shirjajeva 😉) - a soul discoverer who fuses the magic of Vedic psychology and yoga to help people discover their true purpose, desires and ways to make them a reality 🧘 Darja learned the art of Leela Game in Latvia (where she is from) and now is bringing it to Denmark as a pioneer. She says: “My motto: Anything is possible, you simply need to know the right steps.”

    Leela Game is exactly about that!

    What is Leela Game?

    Leela (”Game” from Sanscrit) is one of a kind tool for self-discovery based on Vedic philosophy and psychology. The game was first created around 2000-years ago in what we now know as India, it was then lost and brought back in 1980s by Indian artist Harish Johari. The game board is a metaphor for one's own life. When throwing a die the player lands on different states of being experiencing anger, passion, sorrow and peace, thus discovering their way to self-realization - the way to their true desire.

    During the event you are going to get a glimpse of what’s it’s like to play Leela Game, learn about Vedic psychology, chakra system and how every state of being (i.e. greed, joy, envy, bliss, etc.) can be used as a resource. As a bonus, there will be an opportunity for you to discover a new side of yourself and understand what is the right next step in your life❤️

    Everyone is welcome - people interested in self-development, people seeking personal transformation, the ones who feel stuck, depressed or the ones who simply love learning more about psychology and spirituality. Every age and gender is welcome - the more diverse we are - the more we get to explore 🫂

    Supporting Copenhagen’s Homeless

    The workshop is more than just a workshop; it’s an opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded people while supporting Unique’s mission to uplift Copenhagen’s homeless and promote circular consumption.
    All proceeds from the evening will go directly towards our project, which aids individuals in their journey from addiction to self-reliance. Through rehabilitation, job training, and housing support, we are working to change lives. As of 2023, more than 200 people have successfully completed this program.

    At Unique by Grace, you will also be able to get a warm tea, coffee, other beverages as well as snacks.

    Tickets are 85 kr, and space is limited, so secure your spot for an afternoon that offers more than just a board game. 

    Who’s joining us? 🧡


    Welcome to the Unique by Grace Café

    Welcome to our warm and cozy café at the heart of Nørrebro! At Unique, we're more than just a coffee shop. As a non-profit, our heart beats for the well-being of the city's homeless and the promotion of sustainable consumption in Copenhagen.

    Who are we?

    We are a community of volunteers dedicated to making a difference in the lives of Copenhagen's homeless. Originally established as the Unique Store in 2022, we've evolved from a retail space into a cozy café where every cup of coffee served carries a purpose. With the generous support of our donating partners, we source circular, high-quality ingredients and products. We strive to create a warm and community-centered atmosphere that supports the upliftment of the homeless, while also promoting a sustainable way of life.

    Our Events

    We host events a couple of times a month to gather the community and also raise funds to keep our initiative going.

    Come for a bingo evening, quiz night, an art workshop, a book club meeting, and many more!


    Unique by Grace, Griffenfeldsgade 54, 2200 København


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    Afholdt event

    LEELA - Self-discovery in a form of a board game