Piano Days Copenhagen 2023 - BISSE / EFSTATHIOU / GHOST FLUTE & DICE
Piano Days Copenhagen 2023 - BISSE / EFSTATHIOU / GHOST FLUTE & DICE
Fra DKK 150,00
BISSE - singer-songwriter
ZOE EFSTATHIOU - prepared piano
GHOST FLUTE & DICE - electroacoustic piano
Concert: 20:00 Doors: 19:30
Piano Days Copenhagen focuses on a new generation of musicians who have in common that they are pianists and composers combined. We will be presenting concerts that feature perfect fusions of technical ability and compositionel technique, music that expresses each artists personal and innovative vision. This year, we have commissioned all artists to compose new music in support of Ukraine. They will premier their works during the festival to put focus on the terrible situation during the war in Ukraine.
BISSE is the artist name of virtuous singer-songwriter Thorbjørn Radisch Bredkjær. Since releasing his first album in 2014 he has made at least 10 more - all of them with great reviews from the press. He has won The Carl Prize for Best Lyrics in 2018 and has been nominated for the Nordic Music Prize twice already. Lately, Bisse has been touring a solo-show where he accompanies himself on piano. Therefore, it is the perfect time to present him at Piano Days Copenhagen.
ZOE EFSTATHIOU is originally from Greece but now living in Sweden. She has studied both classical and jazz piano, improvisation and electronic music. She also lived in Denmark for two years while studying at the Royal Danish Music Conservatory. As a composer and improviser she is focused on exploring the timbral possibilities of the piano and the relationships between pianist and technologies. She does this by extensive preparation of the piano and combining the acoustic sounds with electronic effects. Her latest large scale work - "Athroa" - was composed for prepared piano, electronics and light installation and presented at Nording Music Days 2019.
GHOST FLUTE & DICE is the electroacoustic piano-project of Mikkel Almholt. Almholt focuses on the piano’s more quirky and dissonant elements and enlarges these aspects with the use of electronic effects and alternative techniques. Almholt has toured in Germany and USA as well as releasing a handful of albums. The latest project was a 6-channel surround-concert composed specifically to be performed inside an enormous water tower.
KoncertKirken Blågårds Plads a.m.b.a, Blågårds Pl. 6A, 2200 København
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Piano Days Copenhagen 2023 - BISSE / EFSTATHIOU / GHOST FLUTE & DICE
Fra DKK 150,00