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    Psychonaut 4 [GA] + Support: Atra Vetosus [AU] + Sedna [IT] + Lichtblick [AT]

    Afholdt event

    Psychonaut 4 [GA] + Support: Atra Vetosus [AU] + Sedna [IT] + Lichtblick [AT]

    Fra DKK 193,00



    27 jan 2025 kl. 19:00 - 23:59
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Det depressive sort metal og rock band Psyconaut 4 rammer Danmark for første gang! 

    Psychonaut 4:
    Psychonaut 4, one of the most promising uprising underground acts within the rock & metal scene is finally hitting the road across Europe as the headliner of this Tour Production.

    The group’s music and genre cannot be described with one word, because the collective’s sound is very diverse and rich, but is often placed in the DSBM or Depressive Suicidal Black Metal genre. The main themes of the group’s lyrics are the fight against depression, personal problems, drugs and tragedies.

    In recent releases, the group actively uses native Georgian lyrics and motifs, which made listening to the band more intense and interesting and as of 2023, the band has signed a contract with Immortal Frost Productions for the release of their future album(s).

    In Autumn 2024 the band will release their 5th studio album under the IFP banner which (of course) they’ll be representing/promoting on this tour production. So rest a sure that big announcements will follow in the weeks to come!


    + Support: Atra Vetosus 
    ATRA VETOSUS formed as melodic black metal band in March of 2011, originally consisting of 2 members Josh Gee (vocals) & Josh Young (instruments).

    On November 17, 2011 their demo titled “A Palace Shrouded In Emptiness” was released via Immortal Frost . Soon after Atra Vetosus recruited a full line up in order to start playing shows.

    In March of 2012 all the material for a full length album titled “Voices From The Eternal Night” was writen and ready to be recorded. During this period Atra Vetosus played live extensively throughout Australia.

    A year later the album has been recorded,mixed and ready for release. On March 20, 2013 the first full length album of Atra Vetosus, “Voices From The Eternal Night”, was released via Immortal Frost Productions.

    In 2016 Atra Vetosus yet again signed a new contract with Immortal Frost Productions for their EP release entitled “Ius Vitae Necisque".

    In 2018, Atra Vetosus’ second full-length opus, entitled ‘Apricity’, was again released by Immortal Frost Productions in various formats. The style developed from classic melodic black metal into something more complex, adding elements of atmospheric, depressive and post black metal, while still maintaining the melodic essence. Along with the release of the album, the band headlined a tour all over Europe, accompanied by Drawn into Descent from Belgium and Perennial Isolation from Spain, arranged by IFP Bookings & Tour Management.

    In 2020 at the height of the covid pandemic, Atra Vetosus finished work on their next release "Even The Dawn No Longer Brings Hope" once again continuing the long term partnership with Immortal Frost Productions. Shortly after Atra Vetosus began work on their 3rd full length album which sees the band take their sound to its highest level yet.

    Their 3rd studio album is set to be released in late 2024 through Immortal Frost Productions, which they band will be presenting on this tour production throughout Europe.


    + Sedna:
    SednA is a Black Metal project formed in 2009 in Cesena, a small city in the middle-east of Italy. The sound is a mix of Post Black Metal, Atmospheric Sludge and Doom with some Ambient and Drone parts resulting in a wider sense of ruination and immersion. From enraged blast-beats to slow-paced heavy parts reaching soft and placid clean interludes, the band tries to carry emotions to create organic and living music.


    + Lichtblick:
    Depressive Black Metal from Austria, formed in 2013 as a two-man project.

    In 2015 they released their first EP “Feel free to lose your life” and their first full length studio album entitled “Phrenesis” came out in 2018.

    The sound of Lichtblick is atmospheric, dark and depressive, especially the mournful vocals are an outstanding part of their music. 

    Entry: 193 kr in pre-sale / 210 kr at the door!


    Spillestedet Stengade is a progressive user-driven music venue in the middle of Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The music profile at Spillestedet Stengade is diverse - often based on the local underground but also with a large number of international artists.

    The house's many dedicated volunteers are the absolute lifeblood of Stengade, who run our approx. 200 concert events per year. Without them there wouldn't be any shows!



    Spillestedet Stengade, Stengade 18, 2200 København


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    Afholdt event

    Psychonaut 4 [GA] + Support: Atra Vetosus [AU] + Sedna [IT] + Lichtblick [AT]