Resilient Women Circle
Resilient Women Circle
Fra DKK 350,00
Dear Friend,I have a dream—a vision where every human being, from a young age, has the opportunity to grow strong from life’s experiences. Imagine a world where, as we journey toward the golden years, we become beacons of wisdom, compassion, and true love, inspiring the younger generation.Hi, I’m Olga.Many know me through my lifelong work in holistic health. In holistic healing, we view a human as a complete, interconnected being—body, mind, and spirit. When we live from a place of “wholeness,” our true potential is boundless, allowing us to create the life we envision. Yet, there’s a universal truth: “We don’t create what we want; we create from who we are.”Through conversations with those seeking guidance, I’ve discovered that many struggle to grasp this principle. Life’s challenges often make us feel lost, sinking our mind, body, and spirit into unhappiness. In the process, we forget our true selves. But I believe, wholeheartedly, that every person who faces hardship has the potential to emerge stronger, wiser, and more loving.Is this transformation possible? Absolutely. How?It begins with courage—the courage to face the past and seek answers to unresolved questions. We cannot solve our problems by running away from them. Understanding our challenges helps us see solutions more clearly. We invite you to join our Resilient Women Circle for a journey of self-discovery.In our circle, we don’t offer ready-made solutions. Instead, we create a nurturing environment where you can uncover answers for yourself. Here’s how we do it:Connection with Like-Minded People:When you hear others share their stories, you realize you’re not alone. This sense of belonging fosters safety and gives you the courage to look within. Safe Space for Reflection: Feeling secure allows you to ask deep, meaningful questions. This introspection leads to profound answers, freeing you from guilt and regret.Freedom to See Life New:Discovering these truths opens new ways of thinking and living, unlocking the key to creating the life you desire. Remember, we create not from what we want, but from who we are.About Olga:I’ve dedicated my life to holistic health, helping people see themselves as whole and complete beings. With decades of experience, I guide others in reconnecting with their inner strength, wisdom, and potential. My mission is to empower you to rise above life’s challenges and live a life of joy, love, and fulfillment.

Program Highlights:

Part 1: Transforming Thoughts, Mapping Goals A better tomorrow starts with a better you today. Let's explore our understanding of resilience, uncover our core values, and reflect on how positive and negative values shape our lives and attract experiences.• Question of the day: Do I attract what I want or do I attract who I am? • You will find your answers through Core value exercises, reflection, and group sharing. What We Will Do in the First MeetingDuring our first gathering, we will:• Clarify your identity and values.• Envision and map out your personal goals for the future.• Reflect on what resilience means to you and how it can empower your journey.I am looking forward to starting this exciting journey with you. With love Olga Hentze
Body-Mind-Spirit, Røde Mellemvej 16, 2300 København
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Resilient Women Circle
Fra DKK 350,00