Sonic Playground 2024 | Basement CPH
Sonic Playground 2024 | Basement CPH
Fra DKK 120,00
SONIC PLAYGROUND is back for its 3rd edition! This year, we set the stage for an intimate experience, combining workshops, meet and greets, modern dance, exhibitions, and concerts featuring some of the finest DAWless performers and artists. Always with the purpose of showcasing the vibrant Danish and international electronic and live electronic music scene.
Part I // 04:00 pm
Workshops, meet and greets and Q&A with Petite Victory Collective.
PART II // 08:00 pm
Art Exhibition Performance by Bernardo San Rafael & 59 Perlen (ZH)
This year, we specifically focus on MUTTER (the german word for mother), an installation and dance performance with live electronic sound composition at the same time. Hundreds of threads are used to connect the body of the performers with the environment. This installation is a discussion about the urban space, the current socio-political and cultural tension in the human relationships and between countries, religions and cultures nowadays. We are dependent on society. Keeping together is now to respect the distance between us and at the same time we want to keep our right to individuality. Inspired by the sculpture Maman from Louise Bourgeoise where the mother was presented as a spider, we wanted to build the net of the spider as an installation of threads connecting the dancers with the environment and between them creating a structure which represents the society we are living in.
PART III // 09:00 pm
Live Performances - Line-up:
Petite Victory Collective is a decentralized label and collective based in Copenhagen, Denmark. We created this safe and inclusive space with the aim of showcasing the vibrant Danish and international electronic live music scene through intimate experiences that combine workshops, meet and greets, exhibitions, and concerts featuring some of our finest live performers and artists.
Basement CPH, Enghavevej 42, 1674 København
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