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The RETHINK Symposium

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The RETHINK Symposium

Fra Gratis



12 apr 2013 kl. 16:00 - 13 apr 2013 kl. 18:00


Two days of visionary inspiration and radical rethinking, through a combination of lectures, inspirational business cases and an innovation workshop.
Do you dare take the leap into unknown spaces of your brain? Do you dare challenge the every day assumptions of our society, for a vision of a better future? We will not give you the answers of how this vision looks like, but we promise to give you an injection of inspiration, hope and vision from some of the leading thinkers on sustainable topics of today, and from a workshop where professional facilitators will make you rethink and come up with new ideas yourself. From the Symposium we will gather three idea catalouges; one for the municipality, one for businesses, and one for entreprenours.

Do it 
• because you know things could be better, but you´r not sure how
• as a creative mind excercise, 
• for the fun of viewing our world from new perspectives
• to get an injection of inspiration, vision and hope

Meet: ·       ·      Professor Michael Braungart, Author of the international bestseller, Cradle to Cradle  ·      Ida Auken, Danish Minister of Environment ·     Jørgen Steen Nielsen, Author of the book Omstilling Nu and Journalist at Dagbladet Information·      Emilie Turunen, Member of the European Parliament (S)    ·     Søren Hermansen, Director of Samsø Energy Academy  ·      Michel Smith, CEO of the Sustainable Dance Club (The Netherlands) ·      Jens Joel, Member of the Danish Parliament (S)
·     And many others...

Workshop topics:
·      Waste management: What does it take to recycle ALL household waste? Facilitated by Stine Bigum, Vice President of Aarhus Sustainability Network and Graduate Anthropology writing her thesis on waste management. ·      Collaborative consumption: leasing/swapping/borrowing models for everything from computers to clothing. Facilitated by Jazmin Cullen, Cand.Scient.Anth·      Symbiosis Models, Blue Economy: How can we use waste energy and waste ressources from industries or the public again in new ways? With introduction by Nicholas Block, Project Manager in CradlePeople.·      Unemployment is a great waste of ressources. How should the system ideally work? Facilitated by Nikoline Høgsgaard, B.S.Anth ·      Seven steps towards Sustainability: Garba Diallo will take you on a journey investigating how we can reach a state of sustainability, talking about energy, housing, food production and transportation systems.·      Food: How should we feed the world of tomorrow, with growing population, soil degradation and a growing demand for meat in the developing world? Facilitated by Anna Hinrichsen, President of Aarhus Sustainability Network  ·      Plastic Bag Free City: How can we free our city from plastic bags? Who are the key actors that would need to be involved? What are the alternatives? Facilitated by World Perfect

Friday 2pm-7pm 2pm: Opening of the festival by Ida Auken and Jakob Bundsgaard 3pm: Presentation of business cases: Michel Smith, CEO of the Sustainable Dance Club (The Netherlands) 4pm: Keynote speaker Prof. Michael Braungart, Author of the international bestseller, Cradle to Cradle 5:30pm: Panel Debate 6:30pm: Networking dinner
Saturday 10am-6pmFrom 10am: Talks by:
·      Jørgen Steen Nielsen, Author of the book “Omstilling Nu” and Journalist at Dagbladet Information·      Emilie Turunen, Member of the European Parliament ·      Søren Hermansen, Director of Samsø Energy Academy    3pm: Workshops (see topics above)
These workshops will result in three idea catalouges; for the municipality, for entreprenours, and for excisting companies.
Friday April 12, 3pm-7pm, Saturday April 13, 10am-6pm
Requires free sign up, and a ticket to Aarhus Sustainability Festival: 120kr/90kr (student discount). One day ticket 80kr/60kr (student discount). No show fee: 300kr if you do not sign off to sidsel@aasn.dk at least 48 hours in advance. Limited space available. 


Remisen, next to Aarhus Folkekøkken, Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3-5, 8000 Aarhus C


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