Vinterjazz: Xiu Xiu [US] + Support: Kee Avil [CA]
Vinterjazz: Xiu Xiu [US] + Support: Kee Avil [CA]
Fra DKK 195,00
Forvent det uforventede når amerikanske avant-electro art rockerner Xiu Xiu gæster Stengade d. 07 Februar!
“Noise pop experimentalists Xiu Xiu are back doing what they do best: writing a genuinely sticky, well-constructed tune and subsequently running it through a meat grinder.” - Consequence
Koncerten er en del af Vinterjazz Festival.
Xiu Xiu:
Over the course of the last two decades, Xiu Xiu’s prolific and influential output of acclaimed albums and collaborations has been consistently dazzling. They’ve released 17 full-length LPs that have been praised in outlets such as The New Yorker, The Wire, Rolling Stone, The Guardian, NME and many others.
There’s a dance, and on occasion a place to go dancing, where we while away the inevitable in the distinct hopes that we can better embrace what’s left of clocks that only run one way. You see, time is the issue and the issue is all about doing a dance that measures out life, and chance, and smooths the groove into something that can comfortably be swallowed.
Like 13" Frank Beltrame Italian Stiletto with Bison Horn Grips?
Precisely like 13" Frank Beltrame Italian Stiletto with Bison Horn Grips. Which, on the face of it is the newest record from Xiu Xiu, but only on the face of it. Underneath that face, the sinews and struggles of a need that seeks to name itself over every record, and every song on every record, ever written by Xiu Xiu of course, but also anyone who ever sought to make a record that’s worth a good goddamned. And this record is precisely that.
On Xiu Xiu’s latest album, 13" Frank Beltrame Italian Stiletto with Bison Horn Grips, Angela Seo and Jamie Stewart deliver some of the band’s most compelling and mesmerizing music to date. Mixed by John Congleton (Chelsea Wolfe, Swans, Lana Del Rey) this album is unlike anything the band has ever recorded previously and was motivated by the destruction of previous aesthetic notions, as well as the band's recent move from Los Angeles to Berlin
+ Support: Kee Avil
Led by Montréal producer Vicky Mettler, Kee Avil combines guitar, voice, electroacoustics and electronic production to create song assemblages that teeter on the edge of collapse while oozing forward, like sticky resin picking up and shedding disparate elements along the way.
Kee Avil evolved from playing guitar with broken cymbals and drumsticks to forging askew tempos and templates glued together by samples of screws dropped into crystal bowls. Her self-titled debut EP, released in 2018 on Black Bough Records, harnessed her improvised music and prepared guitar background toward a newfound structural sensibility and arresting vocal/lyrical experimentation; she has been immersed in the exploration of distinctive compositional architectures ever since, expanding her sonic palette with increasing and intensive detail, where twitchy, finely wrought postpunk electro-industrial avant-pop songs are meticulously assembled to resemble disassembly. Honed through pre-pandemic tours in North America and Europe (sharing stages with Marc Ribot, Pere Ubu, Bill Orcutt and Fly Pan Am, among others), Kee Avil’s emerging body of work signals a vital, viscous, virtuosic new voice in experimental songcraft–where touchstones include Juana Molina, Scott Walker, Fiona Apple and Eartheater; where PJ Harvey meets Pan Daijing or Grouper melds with Autechre.
Entry: 195 kr in pre-sale / 215 kr at the door!
Spillestedet Stengade is a progressive user-driven music venue in the middle of Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The music profile at Spillestedet Stengade is diverse - often based on the local underground but also with a large number of international artists.
The house's many dedicated volunteers are the absolute lifeblood of Stengade, who run our approx. 200 concert events per year. Without them there wouldn't be any shows!
Spillestedet Stengade, Stengade 18, 2200 København
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Vinterjazz: Xiu Xiu [US] + Support: Kee Avil [CA]
Fra DKK 195,00