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    Voices in the Shadows of Monuments - an audio-visual walk

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    Voices in the Shadows of Monuments - an audio-visual walk

    Fra Gratis



    24 feb 2022 kl. 18:00 - 19:30
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Voices in the Shadows of Monuments - an audio-visual walk

    Dette event vil foregå på engelsk // This event will be held in English.

    Participation is free / Remember to sign up here via Billetto.


    Voices in the Shadows of Monuments - an audio-visual walk will take place:
    February 10: 17:30 – 19:00:
    Tickets: https://llk.dk/9wpmci
    February 17: 18:00 – 19:30:
    Tickets: https://llk.dk/9lxwpw.
    February 24: 18:00 – 19:30
    Tickets: https://llk.dk/j8pobw

    Meeting point: Christianshavns Torv.

    Language: English with Danish, Greenlandic, Portuguese, Sanskrit and more.

    Duration: 1 hour and 30 min.


    Created by Barly Tshibanda (DRC), Nanna Katrine Hansen (DK) og Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld (DK)Participating artists: Bernard Akoi-Jackson (GH), La Vaughn Belle (USVI), Jupiter J. Child (MZ/DK), Julie Edel Hardenberg (GL), Oceana James (USVI), Arash Pandi (IN/DK), Sabitha Söderholm (IN/DK)._____

    In the wake of the major Black Lives Matter demonstrations world-wide, there has been a growing international attention to the issue of monuments commemorating the colonial era and their impact in public spaces today. Voices in the Shadows of Monuments is an audio-visual city walk that examines material traces from the colonial era embedded in buildings and monuments in the centre of Copenhagen, from the time when the Port of Copenhagen was the centre of Danish colonial trade.The walk takes participants from Christianshavns Torv to Kongens Nytorv, creating a polyphonic soundscape accompanied by graphic light projections. The artists create narratives that intertwine different geographies and times: past and present interweave and testify to how colonialism is not a closed chapter, but still has strong reverberations in the present.During the walk, the audience is invited to assemble the fragments they are presented with into new narratives about the city.Sound transmitters and headphones are provided at the beginning of the walk. We encourage participants to bring their own headphones with minijack for an improved sound experience.


    The walk ends at Kgs Nytorv, after which audiences are invited to visit Kunsthal Charlottenborg.To accompany the tour In the Shadows of Monuments, the Kunsthal presents a video-art programme in the Charlottenborg Art Cinema, curated by the artist group, featuring video art by some of the artists, who have made contributions to the walk, as well as other artists, who explore the legacies of colonialism today.


    To further contextualize the walk Kunsthal Charlottenborg’s bookstore will offer a selection of literature as picked by the artist group behind the audio-visual walkOn Tuesday 22 February from 17.00 – 18.30 (CET), we invite all to attend a public conversation conducted via ZOOM, featuring the participating artists who will unpack the project for us. 

    Free access


    The project is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Copenhagen Light Festival and Kunsthal Charlottenborg.


    Copenhagen Light Festival er en årligt tilbagevendende lysfestival i Københavns gader og stræder, tre uger i februar. 

    Under de mørke februartimer bringer festivalen lys til byen med massere af lyskunst fra aktuelle lyskunstnere og -designere.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/cphlightfest
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/cphlightfest

    Copenhagen Light Festival is an annual lightfest in Copenhagen City.

    During the dark winter hours of February the festival brings light to the people in Copenhagen, via the current years artists. The installations are spread over public places, historic and new buildings and squares of the city.

    Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/cphlightfest
    Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/cphlightfest


    Christianshavns Torv, København


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    Afholdt event

    Voices in the Shadows of Monuments - an audio-visual walk