Whisky & Witches: An Immersive, Magical, Musical Whisky Experience
Whisky & Witches: An Immersive, Magical, Musical Whisky Experience
Fra DKK 395,00
Whisky & Witches presents Mythical Beasts:
An Immersive, Mystical, Musical Whisky Tasting
A magical, musical whisky tasting by female forces! Travel with us to a realm where folklore, five exceptional whiskies and hauntingly beautiful music meet in perfect harmony.
Experience the Mythical Beast whiskies from Spiritfilled come alive through enchanting music and storytelling in an immersive, theatrical whisky tasting like you've never seen!
After 4 sold out shows, performing at Feìs Ìle, Belfast Whiskey Week and the legendary Fringe in Edinburgh, Whisky & Witches is coming to Denmark!
“The best Scotch Whisky Events are not just about the whisky in the
glass. I was privileged to attend the most wonderful event involving
stories, myths, humour and beautiful haunting song. One of the best
events EVER. I am still captured by the memory of the evening.”
~ John McCheyne, Global Brand Ambassador at the Scotch Malt Whisky Society
* A guided, dramatic tasting of 5 unique, cask strength whiskies from distilleries across Scotland.
Including insight into the history of female distillers and brewers: witches!
* A fusion of Nordic and Celtic folk music, interpreted in new symphonic ways!
* Original music and song by international singer and composer Christine Kammerer
* 4 captivating, tailored stories. A fusion of folklore from across the globe
* Insight into the feminine powers of nature and their connection to the whiskies
OBS OBS! The entire show is in English.
W&W is a collaboration between Danish singer, composer and Whisky Experience Ambassador Christine Kammerer and whisky aficionado Jane Ross, owner of the whisky bar: The Mother Superior Bar in Edinburgh.
Jane Ross has been in the whisky industry for over 13 years, and before she opened her own bar, she was the manager of the Black Cat for years.
Christine Kammerer is an internationally known singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and composer. She has released 2 EP's, 3 singles and a music video "Raven Brings Runes". In 2021 Kammerer’s song “Eversong” was among the finalists in World Songwriting Awards. In 2022 she moved to Scotland on a Global Talent Visa for Music and since then she has performed all over the UK. Over the years she has performed in Scandinavia, Germany and the UK, and even for Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II.
Read more on www.ckammerer-music.com
Listen to/watch her work on YouTube and all streaming platforms.
Links here: linktr.ee/ckammerermusic
Our specialty is creating unforgettable, multisensory whisky experiences with bespoke music and storytelling. Always striving for new ways to elevate the drink, we have also done pairings and collaborations with both independent bottlers and whisky companies. We can also make you an offer to tailor our storytelling and music to your specific whiskies.
Do you own a distillery, am an independent bottler or an experience company?
Feel free to get in touch for any inquiries about evens or collaborations.
Whisky & Witches began in 2022 and has already done 6 shows, 4 of which have been sold out. We have collaborated with major business and sponsors from the whisky industry, and have performed at Fèis ìle. During 2023 we are hired to do 4 shows at Belfast Whiskey Festival, 5 shows at Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and 2 shows in Denmark in October.
W&W is the brainchild of Danish singer, composer and Whisky Experience Ambassador Christine Kammerer and whisky aficionado Jane Ross, owner of the whisky bar: The Mother Superior Bar in Edinburgh.
Jane Ross has been in the whisky industry for over 13 years, and before she opened her own bar, she was the manager of the Black Cat for years.
Christine Kammerer is an internationally known singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and composer. She has released 2 EP's, 3 singles and a music video "Raven Brings Runes" and specializes in folk and early music.
Kammerer’s music is a fusion of Nordic and Celtic folk soundscapes, with a distinctive cinematic and symphonic character to it. With her lyre and her enchanting and sonorous voice she draws the listener into a universe, which moves the listener through folklore, myth and legend.
In 2021 Kammerer’s song “Eversong” was among the finalists in World Songwriting Awards, and in 2023 she was amongst the “Highly Recommended” at Danny Kyle’s Open Stage at Celtic Connections. She has performed at festivals, museums, castles and venues in Denmark, UK and USA. In 2021 she performed for The Queen of Denmark and in May 2023 she was on Danish national TV in Go’ Morgen Danmark, with her band Jotunger.
Read more on www.ckammerer-music.com
Luke's Bar, Klosterstræde 23, 1157 København
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Whisky & Witches: An Immersive, Magical, Musical Whisky Experience
Fra DKK 395,00