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Who are you (beneath the surface)?

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Who are you (beneath the surface)?

Fra DKK 675,00



02 mar 2020 kl. 17:00 - 20:00


Small-group coaching for international working women facilitated by two professional coaches.

Who are you (beneath the surface)?  

In this first workshop in a series of three, you will explore who you really are (what is beneath the iceberg) and how to use this knowledge in your everyday life. 

By the end of the session you will have a snapshot of your current life, have identified what is holding you back and what is driving you. You will have made a first fundamental step towards better understanding the real you.

We offer you the opportunity to take a break from your busy life to reflect. You will get the time, and the space to explore what matters to you. We will give you some tools to organize your thoughts so you can find solutions to the challenges of a working mum. 

Sign-up for single workshops or the whole series for additional benefits (and a significant discount!).

Sophie Herschtel Keldsen and Laure-Anne Boschwitz are professionally-trained coaches who combine 35 years of international business experience in the corporate world. They use tools and facilitation techniques that create a warm and supportive atmosphere for women who want to both reflect and commit to moving forward with their dreams and objectives. 

Find out more on Wonderfully Imperfect Mums


We understand that sometimes plans change and you need to cancel. If you cancel no later than 15 days before the event, you will be refunded 100% of your ticket. After that, your ticket will not be refundable. You are welcome to pass it on to someone else, should you know someone that could benefit from the workshop. 

If you purchase the three workshops at a discount price and you decide to cancel the other workshops later on, you will have to pay the full amount of the workshop you attended to.


We create experiential workshops for international working mums based in the Copenhagen area who want to: 
- Reconnect with their needs
- Fight the perfect mum syndrome
- Find a better balance in the various areas of their life

Sophie Herschtel Keldsen and Laure-Anne Boschwitz are professionally-trained coaches who combine 35 years of international business experience in the corporate world. They use tools and facilitation techniques that create a warm and supportive atmosphere for women who want to both reflect and commit to moving forward with their dreams and objectives. 

Find out more on Wonderfully Imperfect Mums


SOHO SOHO, Flæsketorvet 68, 1711 København


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