Wild Pink [US] + Support: M.Byrd [DE] + Dusk Rituals
Wild Pink [US] + Support: M.Byrd [DE] + Dusk Rituals
Fra DKK 100,00
New York-erne i Wild Pink kommer forbi Stengade med en omgang trist, smuk og varm alternativ indie rock! På deres seneste album 'ILYSM' synger frontmand John Ross ærligt om sin kræftdiagnose og kampen imod!
Wild Pink:
Wild Pink's warm, reflective indie rock tunes follow the soft-spoken lead of singer and songwriter John Ross. The group delivered their eponymous full-length debut in 2017.
“Do you still believe it?” John Ross asks that question after journeying through the wreckage,after singing of thunder rolling down the track and lighting in a bottle. These are tropes, and heknows it. It’s a moment where he’s returning to the ancient wisdom of his classic rock forebears,trying to find the answers all over again. This is the ground Ross travels in “The Fences OfStonehenge,” the lead single, opening track, and mission statement of the new Wild Pink albumDulling The Horns. The question reverberates across the album: “Do you still believe it?” Andwhat happens when you don’t anymore?
Ross’ response is to start anew. From the late ‘10s through the early ‘20s, Wild Pink was on theclassic ascension arc. The otherworldly synth-Americana of 2018’sYolk In The Furgarneredthem press buzz and accolades, while the widescreen gloss and scope of its followup, 2021’sABillion Little Lights, swung for the fences at the cusp of the band’s breakthrough. Theneverything changed: Ross received a shocking cancer diagnosis. Wild Pink’s subsequent release,2022’sILYSM, was inevitably saddled with the weight of being an album about mortality andlove. On the other side of it all, Ross began to reimagine what Wild Pink was.
’Dulling The Horns’ the sound of Wild Pink fraying at the edges. On the other side of his cancerbattle and having to retell the story through an album cycle, he found himself exhausted—desperate for a new spark, a new story. “You zoom out, and I’m very fortunate,” he continues.
“But Dulling The Horns came from the feeling of figuring out how do you deal with things and move forward and just keep creating.
+ Support: M.Byrd
M. Byrd’s music expands moments of stark intimacy to widescreen proportions bolstered by shoegaze scope, alternative fearlessness, and pop palatability. The German singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer unearths universality from intensely personal songwriting.
+ Dusk Rituals:
Dusk Rituals is an all-female alternative rock band. Hailing from different corners of the world, its four members Lisbet, Karolina, Arianna and Julia, found their paths converging in Copenhagen in 2023, following a shared passion for music. Blending elements of alternative rock with post-punk and dreampop, each member draws influences from diverse genres, collectively creating a distinctive sound. The band brings hypnotic melodies, compelling lyrics and intertwining harmonies, weaved together by each member’s unique vocal expression and tone. Their immersive performance, three-dimensional sound and layered vocal harmonies promise to make the audience a part of a shared experience, a mesmerising ritual poised to make a lasting impact.
Entry: 100 kr (Limited Amount Early Bird Ticket On Sale Until 1st of August or sold out / 125 kr pre-sale / 140 kr at the door!
Spillestedet Stengade is a progressive user-driven music venue in the middle of Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The music profile at Spillestedet Stengade is diverse - often based on the local underground but also with a large number of international artists.
The house's many dedicated volunteers are the absolute lifeblood of Stengade, who run our approx. 200 concert events per year. Without them there wouldn't be any shows!
Spillestedet Stengade, Stengade 18, 2200 København
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Wild Pink [US] + Support: M.Byrd [DE] + Dusk Rituals
Fra DKK 100,00