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    Åben tegnestue: C.F. Møller, Aalborg

    Event ended

    Åben tegnestue: C.F. Møller, Aalborg

    From Free



    Oct 09 2024 14:00 - 16:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Payment methods accepted:


    Forbundet Arkitekter og Designere inviterer alle studiemedlemmer til Åben Tegnestue hos C.F. Møller i Aalborg.

    Kom og hør mere om, hvad tegnestuen arbejder med for tiden. Få mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til medarbejderne om projekter, arbejdspladsen og måske også, hvad man skal gøre, hvis et job hos C.F. Møller er på ønskelisten.

    C.F. Møller Architects

    C.F. Møller Architects er et af Skandinaviens førende arkitektfirmaer med et århundrede med prisvindende projekter i Norden og resten af verden. Virksomheden har siden grundlæggelsen i Danmark i 1924 bidraget væsentligt til udviklingen af velfærdssamfund i Skandinavien og resten af verden og præmieres løbende internationalt for at sætte nye standarder igennem fokus på arkitekturens funktionelle og kunstneriske og sociale værdi.

    I dag har tegnestuen ca. 350 medarbejdere. De har hovedkontor i Aarhus og kontorer i København, Aalborg, Oslo, Stockholm, Malmö og Berlin.

    Læs mere her


    Arrangementet er gratis, men vi vil gerne vide hvor mange, der kommer, så husk at tilmelde dig.


    Aalborg Waterfront, Julian Weyer 


    C.F. Møller Architects, Strandvejen 17, 9000 Aalborg


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      The first thing to do is check your spam/junk filters and inboxes. Your Åben tegnestue: C.F. Møller, Aalborg tickets were sent as an attachment and can be thought of as spam by some email services. Alternatively, you can always find your Åben tegnestue: C.F. Møller, Aalborg tickets in your Billetto account that you can access in the browsers or the dedicated Billetto app. For more help with this, read here.

    • I wish to cancel my Åben tegnestue: C.F. Møller, Aalborg ticket and receive a refund. What should I do?

      The approval of refunds is entirely at the event organiser’s discretion, and you should get in contact with the event organiser to discuss what options are available to you. To get in touch with the event organiser, simply reply to your order confirmation email or use the "Contact organiser" form on the organiser's profile. For more help with this, read here.

    • I have registered on the Åben tegnestue: C.F. Møller, Aalborg waiting list, what happens now?

      If more tickets become available you will be notified (by email) amongst others who have joined the list. Purchasing is on a first-come first-serve basis. For more information, read here.

    • Where do I find a link to an online event?

      Check your order confirmation page or order confirmation email. Usually, the organiser of the event provides the details in the order confirmation email or they might send you a follow-up email with a link to their online event. You might also want to read the event description on Billetto where an event organiser should describe how to join the Åben tegnestue: C.F. Møller, Aalborg event online. For more information on this, read here.

    • What is refund protection and why would I need it?

      Refund Protection provides you with the assurance that if unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances interfere with your ability to attend an event you can claim a refund. For more information on this, read here.

    Event ended

    Åben tegnestue: C.F. Møller, Aalborg