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    ALICE Works: Kupalua (BR) + Bysund at Mayhem

    Event ended

    ALICE Works: Kupalua (BR) + Bysund at Mayhem

    From DKK 120.00



    Apr 30 2022 20:00 - 23:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Døre 19 / 20
    Bemærk: Koncerten foregår på Mayhem.

    Gennem kropsritual, elektronik og proteselaser rækker Kupalua ud mod cosmos og skaber et rum, hvor forstokkede magtdynamikker og forventningen til det feminine tages op til revision. Glæd dig til et performance-lasershow så flot som du aldrig har set det før, når den herboende brasilianske multikunstner optræder på Mayhem som en del af ALICE works. Bysund åbner aftenen.

    Den herboende brasilianske multikunstner Kupalua arbejder i krydsfeltet mellem performancekunst, musik- og videoproduktion, hvor hun udforsker og problematiserer emner som normative magtdynamikker mellem kroppe, forventninger til det feminine og institutionaliseringen af relationer mellem mennesker. Ved hjælp af stemme, krop, elektronik, proteselasere og feltoptagelser fra det inderste indre (livmoderen, havdybet), skaber hun en forlængelse af kroppen og rækker ud mod cosmos. Kupaluas koncerter er fuldblodsfysiske oplevelser for publikum. Lydbølger går gennem kroppen, stemmer hvisker til knoglerne og proteselaser gennemborer rammerne – alt sammen i et rum, hvor udvidende klange og håb for en bedre verden kan flyde frit. 

    Vi glæder os til at præsentere Kupalua til april som led i ALICE Works. Aftenen finder sted på Mayhem, og Bysund aka Karl Zinn Hansen varmer op med dvælende, hårdtslående ambient med nik til industrial og drone.

    Om ALICE Works:
    ALICE arbejder for at udvikle musikken. Derfor søsatte vi under lockdown i starten af 2021 et Open Call om at udvikle nye formater og skabe nye værker. Dette Open Call blev til ALICE Works – en koncertserie, hvor vi hen over 2021 og 2022 præsenterer nye værker skabt af de kunstnere, som vi udvalgte fra puljen af ansøgere.

    In English // 

    Through body rituals, electronics and laser prosthesis, Kupalua connects to cosmos, overthrowing outdated power dynamics and general expectations of femininity. So buckle up for an awe-inspiring laser performance as Kupalua takes the stage at Mayhem as part of ALICE Works. Bysund opens the night with industrial ambient.

    Kupalua aka Renata Alcoba is a multi-artist born in Brazil, whose interdisciplinary work draws on performance art, voice, composition, musical production and video. Investigating power dynamics between and within bodies, Kupalua problematizes feminine behavior expectations and the institutionalization of human relations. With sounds coming from the most interior places such as the cervix or from the deepest spot in the Ocean, Kupalua is a physical experience, sound waves trespass your body and voices whisper to your bones other notions of darkness, womanhood, alien and terrain possibilities. The body’s construction as prosthetics and light depict the sonorous landscape. Laser prosthesis are making contact with the audience and with outer-space while every matter flows through timbers that leaves us given over to estrangement. Kupalua is always in transit, there’s no traces of moral or frontier.

    We can’t wait to present this incredible artist as part of ALICE Works til April. The night takes place at Mayhem, and Bysund aka Karl Zinn Hansen will open the night with slow-burning yet hard-hitting urgent ambient with nods to industrial and drone. 

    About ALICE Works:
    ALICE Works was born from an Open Call initiative launched by ALICE during the COVID-19 lockdown in early 2021. An attempt at developing new music, collaborations and experimental formats in a time of crisis. The concert series will present both Danish and international artists chosen via the Open Call process and will take place during 2021 and 2022.


    Opened on the 1st of February 2018, ALICE is Copenhagen’s powerhouse for adventurous music. ALICE is presenting a bold and high quality program of global roots, jazz/improv, electronic music, sonic experiments and much more, shedding light on musical roots and legendary artists as well as exciting new breakthroughs from all over the world.


    Mayhem, Ragnhildgade 1, 2100 København


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    Event ended

    ALICE Works: Kupalua (BR) + Bysund at Mayhem