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Final Descent: Ryosuke Kiyasu (JP) + Sól Ey | Xenon

Final Descent: Ryosuke Kiyasu (JP) + Sól Ey | Xenon

From DKK 50.00



Mar 15 2025 20:00 - 23:59
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Konfronterende performance art i krydsfeltet mellem avantgarde, fri improvisation og harsh noise.

 Ryosuke Kiyasu har siden 2003 chokeret og betaget den eksperimenterende musiscene med sine kropslige performances, som vel bedst kan betegnes som frit improviseret solo grindcore på lilletromme. 

Islandske Sól Ey sætter stemningen med sin body instrument-performance Hreyfð.

Ryosuke Kiyasu (JP): Ryosuke Kiyasu har været dybt involveret i den japanske eksperimenterende musikscene siden 2003, både som medlem af Sete Star Sept, Kiyasu Orchestra og Keiji Hainos legendariske band Fushitsusha, men i høj grad også med sine ekspressive og konfronterende solo-performances på lilletromme, hvor instrumentet angribes med voldsomme kropslige energiudladninger. 

Et show, som på trods af sin simple opskrift, har betaget og chokeret den eksperimenterende musikscene verden over og sendt Kiyasu på en konstant verdensomspændende turné med dette nicheprægede koncept.

Én performer, én mikrofon, én lilletromme, ét bord og et sæt trommestikker. Det simple setup er en gave til Ryosuke Kiyasus tekniske overlegenhed som trommeslager og improvisator og samtidigt et stort, blankt lærred, hvor det først og fremmest er den umiddelbare kropslighed, der maler penselstrøgene. 

Optrædenerne er ofte kortvarige, intense og højfrekvente og efterlader typisk publikum i en tilstand af enten frygtsomt alarmberedskab eller latter.

Oplev selv fænomenet på Xenon i HUSET, når Ryosuke Kiyasu slipper sin dyriske energi løs i en performance, der befinder sig i krydsfeltet mellem avantgarde, fri improvisation og harsh noise.


Sól Ey (IS): Komponist, performer og new media-kunstner fra Island. Hun skaber performances, interaktive installationer og designer instrumenter, der kombinerer lyd, rum, bevægelse, lys og kroppen. Ofte arbejder hun med sensorer og nye teknologier, hvor hendes værker lægger vægt på immersion, deltagelse og social interaktion. I øjeblikket fokuserer hendes kunstneriske forskning på kroppens muligheder, når den forlænges med elektronik eller objekter.

Sol Éy fremfører denne aften sin performance Hreyfð. Hreyfð (som betyder "hun er rørt" på islandsk) er et bærbart højttalerinstrument, der skaber lyd gennem bevægelser. Instrumentet er en del af Sol Éys igangværende forskning i levende elektronisk musik, som forbinder den fysiske krop og gestik med musikalsk performance. Målet er at finde metoder til at fremføre elektronisk musik med et levende udtryk på både det hørbare, visuelle og taktile plan.

Hreyfð bruger mikrofoner og højttalere til at skabe audiofeedback, som behandles med en mikrocontroller og gyroskopsignaler. Feedbacken skaber et felt af hørbare muligheder, som man kan lære at spille på gennem øvelse. 

Instrumentet har altid sin egen legende, uforudsigelige og organiske karakter, som performeren navigerer præcist gennem afstand og placering. Med højttalere fastgjort til kroppen er performeren direkte lydkilden. Dermed fungerer den fysiske krop også som et lydobjekt, der bevæger sig i rummet – en form for fysiologisk-rumlig lyd eller en sonisk koreografi.


Confrontational performance art at the intersection of avant-garde, free improvisation, and harsh noise.

Since 2003, Ryosuke Kiyasu has shocked and captivated the experimental music scene with his physical performances, best described as freely improvised solo grindcore on the snare drum.

Ryosuke Kiyasu (JP): Ryosuke Kiyasu has been deeply involved in the Japanese experimental music scene since 2003, both as a member of Sete Star Sept, Kiyasu Orchestra, and Keiji Haino's legendary band Fushitsusha, but also to a great extent through his expressive and confrontational solo performances on the snare drum, where the instrument is attacked with violent, physical bursts of energy. 

A show that, despite its simple formula, has captivated and shocked the experimental music scene worldwide, sending Kiyasu on a constant global tour with this niche concept.

One performer, one microphone, one snare drum, one table, and a pair of drumsticks. This simple setup is a gift to Ryosuke Kiyasu’s technical mastery as a drummer and improviser, while also serving as a blank canvas where immediate physicality paints the strokes. The performances are often brief, intense, and high-frequency, typically leaving audiences in a state of either fearful alertness or laughter.

Experience the phenomenon yourself at Xenon in HUSET, where Ryosuke Kiyasu unleashes his raw energy in a performance that lies at the intersection of avant-garde, free improvisation, and harsh noise.


Sol Éy (IS): Composer, performer, and new media artist from Iceland. She creates performances, interactive installations, and designs instruments that combine sound, space, movement, light, and the body. Often working with sensors and new technologies, her work emphasizes immersion, participation, and social interaction. Currently, her artistic research focuses on the possibilities of the human body when extended with electronics or objects.

This evening, Sól Ey performs her piece Hreyfð. Hreyfð (which means "she is moved" in Icelandic) is a wearable speaker instrument that creates sound through movement. The instrument is part of Sól Ey’s ongoing research into live electronic music, which connects the physical body and gestures with musical performance. The aim is to develop methods for performing electronic music with vivid expression on audible, visual, and tactile levels.

Hreyfð uses microphones and speakers to create audio feedback, which is processed with a microcontroller and gyroscope signals. The feedback creates a field of audible possibilities that can be learned and played through practice. The instrument always has its own playful, unpredictable, and organic character, which the performer navigates precisely through proximity and positioning. With speakers attached to the body, the performer becomes the direct sound source. Thus, the physical body also acts as a sound object moving through space—a form of physio-spatial sound or sonic choreography.


Huset is Denmark's first culture house and has existed since 1970. A cultural platform where volunteers and alternative cultural environments create events and artistic projects. Together with different cultural partners Huset presents different cultural experiences from concerts to theater and performances, talks, underground cult movie screenings, food culture and cross-artistic projects.


HUSET - Xenon, 4. sal, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 København


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Final Descent: Ryosuke Kiyasu (JP) + Sól Ey | Xenon

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