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    Horse Lords (US) + Thiago Nassif (BR) at Valby Kulturhus

    Event ended

    Horse Lords (US) + Thiago Nassif (BR) at Valby Kulturhus

    From DKK 160.00



    Nov 09 2022 19:00 - 23:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Amerikanske Horse Lords vender tilbage til København med deres distinkte blanding af freejazz, ørkenblues og vestafrikanske rytmer. Denne gang på magisk dobbeltbill med den brasilianske progressive sangskriver Thiago Nassif’s forvrængede bossa nova.

    Døre kl 19.00 / Koncert at 20.00
    Bemærk: Koncerten foregår i Valby Kulturhus

    Horse Lords

    Ægte musiknørderi udfoldes i en alsidig blanding af freejazz, ørkenblues og djent-inspireret polyrytmik, når Andrew Bernstein (saxofon, percussion), Max Eilbacher (bas, elektronik), Owen Gardner (guitar) og Sam Haberman (trommer) mødes under navnet Horse Lords. Allerede ved deres første udspil ’Horse Lords’ fra 2012 blev de et kendt navn i de progressive og alternative musikkredse, hvilket sikrede dem turneer med navne som Matmos, Guerilla Toss og Guardian Alien. Albummet ’Interventions’ 2016 gjorde dem for alvor til et ombejlet navn og blev flere steder udråbt til et mesterværk. Med dets særegne crossover af improvisation og komposition, elektronik og håndspillet rock var albummet at finde på mange lister over årets bedste plader. Horse Lords imponerer dog ikke kun på plade. Deres ry skyldes også en række overrumplende koncerter samt flere stærke live-videoer, som i dén grad har slået deres navn fast som et band, man ikke skal snyde sig selv for at opleve live, hvis man får muligheden – og det får man til november, når de gæster Valby Kulturhus.

    Thiago Nassif

    Thiago Nassif er en brasiliansk musiker, komponist og producer baseret i Rio de Janeiro, hvis slagkraftige blanding af pop, skurrende no-wave og edgy tropicália har vendt hoveder verden over. Nassifs musik er befolket af lyde fra alverdens kilder, fra komposition til lydteknik, og af elementer fra fotografi, arkitektur og billedkunst. Med sit første album "Garconnière", udgivet i 2009 og bygget op omkring lydcollager, blev Nassif et navn på Sao Paulos indie-musikscene. Her improviserede han i klubber og gallerier, hvor han udforskede de visuelle aspekter af lyde og de sensationer, lydene genererer. Siden da han har udgivet albums i samarbejde med malere, billedhuggere og arkitekter, samt med nogle af Brasiliens mest spændende nye talenter. Til efteråret besøger han Valby Kulturhus med sit seneste Arto Lindsay-coproducerede album 'Mente': Et album, der bevæger sig mellem nutidigt Brasiliansk musik og noise, og mellem funk carioca og dystopisk, forvrænget bossa nova.


    Horse Lords

    True musical geekdom unfolds in a versatile mix of free jazz, desert blues and djent-inspired polyrhythms when Andrew Bernstein (saxophone, percussion), Max Eilbacher (bass, electronics), Owen Gardner (guitar) and Sam Haberman (drums) come together under the name Horse Lords. With their first outing 'Horse Lords' from 2012, the band became a well-regarded name in the progressive music scene, securing them tours with names such as Matmos, Guerilla Toss and Guardian Alien. 'Interventions' from 2016 was proclaimed a masterpiece in several places, with its peculiar crossover of improvisation and composition, electronics and hand-played rock, and was found on many lists of the best records of the year. However, Horse Lords does not only impress on record. Their reputation is not least due to a number of surprising concerts and several strong live videos, which have established their name as a band that you should not cheat yourself to experience live if you get the chance – and you do. November, when they visit Valby Kulturhus.

    Thiago Nassif

    Thiago Nassif is a Brazilian musician, composer and producer based in Rio de Janeiro, whose impactful mélange of pop, jarring no-wave, and edgy Tropicália has been turning heads the world over. His music is populated by sounds from multiple sources, ranging from composition to sound engineering. Through a diffuse interest in the expressions of contemporary art, Nassif also incorporates the elements and strategies extracted from photography, architecture and visual arts. With his first album, “Garconnière", released in 2009 and built around audio collages, Nassif became active within Sao Paulo’s independent music scene; improvising in clubs and galleries, exploring the visual aspects of sounds and the visual sensations they generate. Since then, he has released collaborated with painters, sculptors and architects, along with some of Brazil’s most exciting talents. This fall, he will visit Valby Kulturhus with his latest Arto Lindsay-coproduced album ‘Mente’: An album that moves between English and Portuguese, contemporary Brazilian music and noise, and from funk carioca to dystopian, distorted bossa nova.


    Opened on the 1st of February 2018, ALICE is Copenhagen’s powerhouse for adventurous music. ALICE is presenting a bold and high quality program of global roots, jazz/improv, electronic music, sonic experiments and much more, shedding light on musical roots and legendary artists as well as exciting new breakthroughs from all over the world.


    Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4, 2500 København


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      Check your order confirmation page or order confirmation email. Usually, the organiser of the event provides the details in the order confirmation email or they might send you a follow-up email with a link to their online event. You might also want to read the event description on Billetto where an event organiser should describe how to join the Horse Lords (US) + Thiago Nassif (BR) at Valby Kulturhus event online. For more information on this, read here.

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    Event ended

    Horse Lords (US) + Thiago Nassif (BR) at Valby Kulturhus