Performance Hours i Portland Towers x åben festival 2023
Performance Hours i Portland Towers x åben festival 2023
From DKK 200.00
~ english below ~
I samarbejde med Den Tyske Ambassade byder Kulturdistriktet for anden gang velkommen i en af Nordhavns mest ikoniske bygninger med en bjergtagende udsigt over Øresund.
Det er derfor med stolthed, at du inviteres til Performance Hours i Portland Towers – en eksklusiv begivenhed og midlertidig suspension af hverdagens antagelser.
Til Performance Hours i Portland Towers bydes du velkommen til tonerne af Danmarks mindste harmonika. Anders Skibsted (DK) er en af de få herhjemme, der mestrer bandoneonen, det lille tyske harmonika-instrument, som af uransagelige veje endte som hjertet i den argentinske tango-musik. Han spiller et repertoire, som blander tango med argentinsk folkemusik, en nordisk tone og udfordrende toner fra den argentinske mester-bandoneonist Astor Piazzolla.
Dernæst vil BBB Johannes Deimling (DE) fremføre et udsnit af sin performance "the Dance of the Receptors". Performancen bruger receptorernes utrolige biokemiske proces som udgangspunkt for kunstnerisk udforskning og transformation, hvor det handler om de bagvedliggende følelser og oplevelser, der forbinder sig til, hvad vi ser.
- Anders Skibsted - Bandoneon-koncert
- BBB Johannes Deimling - "the Dance of the Receptors"
- Lækker buffet. Ikke for tung, ikke for let. Du skal nok blive mæt.
Ankom til Sandkaj i god tid. Ved indgangen af Portland Towers bliver du mødt af sikkerhedsvagt og fulgt til elevatoren mod penthouse-kantinen på 12. etage. Kantinen byder blandt andet på terrasse med udsigt over Øresund fra første parket.Du deler oplevelsen med 119 andre deltagere.
Prisen ville under normale omstændigheder stikke af, men da vi har fået støtte til arrangementet fra den tyske ambassade, kan vi tilbyde special price for you for hele herligheden til den nette sum af 200 kr.
RSVP hurtigst muligt
Vi har på fornemmelsen, at arrangementet bliver et tilløbsstykke, så skynd dig at købe billet.
Som en del af arkitekturårets program er Åben Festival i år særligt optaget af at skabe størst mulig tilgængelighed og inklusion, så alle føler sig velkomne. Derfor arbejder vi på at mindske barrierne for deltagelse og øge oplevelsen af både fysisk, mental og social tilgængelighed. Hvis du har idéer til, hvordan vi kan skabe bedre rammer eller hvis du har et særligt behov skriv til:
Der er lift / rampe / niveaufrit til indgang af portland towers og en elevator til lokationen.
Der er mulighed for at spise / drikke på stedet
Der er stole / bænke man kan hvile sig på
Der er ikke mulighed for alternativ deltagelse (ex. podcast, teams-deltagelse mm.)
Har du brug for handicapparkering, bedes du kontakte os senest dage før. Skriv til:
Vi ønsker alle en god festival.
In collaboration with the German Embassy, the Kulturdistriktet welcomes you for the second time in one of Nordhavn's most iconic buildings with a breathtaking view of Øresund.
It is therefore with pride that you are invited to Performance Hours at Portland Towers – an exclusive event and temporary suspension of everyday assumptions.
At Performance Hours in Portland Towers, you are welcomed to the sounds of Denmark's smallest accordion. Anders Skibsted (DK) is one of the few in this country who masters the bandoneon, the small German accordion instrument which, by unfathomable means, ended up as the heart of Argentine tango music. He plays a repertoire that mixes tango with Argentine folk music, a Nordic tone and challenging tones from the Argentine master bandoneonist Astor Piazzolla.
Next, BBB Johannes Deimling (DE) will perform an excerpt from his performance "The Dance of the Receptors". The performance uses the receptors' incredible biochemical process as a starting point for artistic exploration and transformation, where it is about the underlying feelings and experiences that connect to what we see.
- Anders Skibsted - Bandoneon concert
- BBB Johannes Deimling - "The Dance of the Receptors"
- Delicious buffet. Not too heavy, not too light. You will probably be full.
Arrive at Sandkaj in good time. At the entrance of Portland Towers, you will be greeted by a security guard and escorted to the elevator towards the penthouse canteen on the 12th floor. The canteen offers, among other things, a terrace with a view of the Øresund from the first floor.You share the experience with 119 other participants.
Under normal circumstances, the price would skyrocket, but since we have received support for the event from the German embassy, we can offer a special price for you for for the tidy sum of DKK 200.
We have the feeling that the event will be a run-in, so hurry up and buy a ticket.
As part of the architecture year's programme, this year’s Åben Festival is particularly concerned with creating the greatest possible accessibility and inclusion so that everyone feels welcome.
Therefore, we work to reduce the barriers to participation and increase the experience of both physical, mental and social accessibility. If you have ideas for how we can create a better framework or if you have a special need, write to:
There is a lift / ramp / level-free entrance to Portland Towers and an elevator to the location.
It is possible to eat / drink on site
There are chairs / benches you can rest on
There is no option for alternative participation (e.g. podcast, team participation, etc.)
If you need disabled parking, please contact us at least a few days before. Write to: jonathan@kulturprijelett.dkWe wish everyone a good festival.
Portland Towers Corporate Offices, Göteborg Plads 1, 2150 København
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I wish to cancel my Performance Hours i Portland Towers x åben festival 2023 ticket and receive a refund. What should I do?
The approval of refunds is entirely at the event organiser’s discretion, and you should get in contact with the event organiser to discuss what options are available to you. To get in touch with the event organiser, simply reply to your order confirmation email or use the "Contact organiser" form on the organiser's profile. For more help with this, read here.
I have registered on the Performance Hours i Portland Towers x åben festival 2023 waiting list, what happens now?
If more tickets become available you will be notified (by email) amongst others who have joined the list. Purchasing is on a first-come first-serve basis. For more information, read here.
Where do I find a link to an online event?
Check your order confirmation page or order confirmation email. Usually, the organiser of the event provides the details in the order confirmation email or they might send you a follow-up email with a link to their online event. You might also want to read the event description on Billetto where an event organiser should describe how to join the Performance Hours i Portland Towers x åben festival 2023 event online. For more information on this, read here.
What is refund protection and why would I need it?
Refund Protection provides you with the assurance that if unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances interfere with your ability to attend an event you can claim a refund. For more information on this, read here.
Performance Hours i Portland Towers x åben festival 2023
From DKK 200.00