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    Smag magien af kærlighed - forførende tantrisk sansemiddag for par

    Event ended

    Smag magien af kærlighed - forførende tantrisk sansemiddag for par

    From DKK 700.00



    Aug 21 2015 19:00 - 22:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Afrodisisk velkomstdrik

    5 udsøgte vegetariske retter med tilhørende drikke
    Sanseligt danseshow

    Vi byder jer indenfor i vores smukke festsal, som vi til denne særlige aften omdanner med levende lys, liflige dufte og blid musik til en sensuel og romantisk ramme for jeres kærlighedsmøde.

    Træd ind i et fortryllende univers af sanseindtryk og oplev hvordan du sammen med din elskede bliver ét gennem sanserne. De fem sanser vil blive vækket i hver sin ret og I vil blive guidet ind i det magiske rum hvor kun her og nu eksisterer, og hvor I fuldt ud kan nyde hinanden og smelte sammen. At møde hinanden i nuet er den reneste måde at mødes på. Uberørt af fortiden og uden forventninger til fremtiden.

    Efter en velkomstdrik og en kort introduktion vil I få serveret 5 retter der hver vækker og forstærker en af de fem sanser. Alle retterne er sammensat af naturlige afrodisiske råvarer, urter og krydderier, der vækker nydelsen og pirrer den erotiske appetit.

    Atmosfæren vil blive understreget af et sanseligt show der illustrerer og hylder kærlighedens forførende dans.

    Forny og forstærk jeres kærlighed gennem denne aftens oplevelse og bliv inspireret til hvordan I kan gøre hverdagen magisk ved bevidst at bruge sanserne til at bringe jer ind i nuet.

    Alle retterne er vegetariske og alle drikke er alkoholfrie.

    Aftenens værtspar er Selena Andersen fra Ambrosia yogarestaurant og Ulrik Lyshøj fra Tantrafestival. Middagen er lavet i samarbejde mellem Ambrosia yogarestaurant og Tantrafestival.

    Billetterne sælges kun som par-billetter. Ambrosia yogarestaurant og Ananda Hall er skofri - tag skoene af ved indgangen og giv tæerne frihed.

    Ambrosia yogarestaurant vægter et harmonisk, naturligt forhold til mad, og serverer vegetarisk mad lavet af gode, naturlige råvarer og tilberedt fra bunden med kærlighed og nærvær. Det er vores vision at mad er livsenergi og at den påvirker os på alle planer – vores tanker, følelser, humør, velbefindende og sundhed. Vi opfatter vores gæst også som kok i den forstand, at maden ikke er færdig når den forlader køkkenet. Det er optagelsen af maden i vores væsen, der er sand kogekunst! Og denne proces påvirkes af vores attitude og tilstand. -

    Tantrafestival er arrangør af de årlige tantrafestivaller i København og Aarhus og har til formål at udbrede kendskabet til Tantra. I tantra regnes sanserne for privilegerede indgangsporte til nuet. Når vi bevidst åbner os og vore sanser til vores indre virkelighed og virkeligheden omkring os, bringer det os fuldt tilstede, gør os nærværende og levende. Den næste Tantrafestival afholdes i København 12-13. september. For nærmere info:

    Aphrodisiac Welcome Drink

    5 Exquisite Vegetarian Courses with drinks
    Sensual Dance Show

    We welcome you into our big beautiful hall that we for this special occasion re-create with candlelight, delicious scents, and soft music as a sensual and romantic space for your meeting of hearts.

    Enter an enchanting universe of impressions and experience how you, together with your beloved becomes one through the sensations of the senses. The five senses will be awakened in each own dish, and you will be guided into the magical room where only Here and Now exist, and where you together fully can enjoy each other and melt together. To meet in the Now is the most pure way of meeting. Not touched by the past, and with no expectations for the future.

    After a welcome drink and a short introduction, you will be served 5 courses that each awakens and amplifies one of the five senses. All the courses are composed from natural aphrodisiac ingredients, herbs and spices that all awakens pleasure and the erotic appetite.

    The charming ambience will be magnified by a sensual show that illustrates and celebrates The Seductive Dance of Love.

    Renew and empower the love of your couple by the beautiful and intense experiences of this evening, and get inspired to how you can make the daily life magical by consciously using the senses to bring you into the Now.

    The menu is purely vegetarian and all drinks are without alcohol.

    The hosting couple of this evening is Selena Andersen from Ambrosia yogarestaurant and Ulrik Lyshøj from Tantrafestival. The dinner is made in collaboration between Ambrosia yogarestaurant and Tantrafestival.

    The tickets are only sold as ‘couple tickets’. Ambrosia yogarestaurant and Ananda Hall are shoe free – leave the shoes at the entrance and give freedom to your feet.

    Ambrosia yogarestaurant emphasize a harmonious, natural relation to food, and serve vegetarian dishes from good quality natural ingredients that is made with love and presence. It is our vision that food is life-energy, and that it affects us on all levels – our thoughts, feelings & emotions, wellbeing and health. We look upon the guest also as a chef in the sense that the dish is not finished when it leaves the kitchen. It is the assimilation of the food in our being that is the true art of cooking! And this process is influenced by our attitude and our state. -

    Tantrafestival, who is hosting the yearly Tantra festivals in Copenhagen and Aarhus, has as purpose to spread the knowledge about Tantra. In Tantra it is recognized that the senses are privileged portals to the present moment. When we consciously open ourselves, and our senses, towards our inner reality and the reality around us, will we be fully aware, present and alive. The next Tantra festival will be in Copenhagen on 12/13 of September.
    For more information:


    Concordia Venue, Ananda Hall, Nordre Fasanvej 230, 2200 København


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      Check your order confirmation page or order confirmation email. Usually, the organiser of the event provides the details in the order confirmation email or they might send you a follow-up email with a link to their online event. You might also want to read the event description on Billetto where an event organiser should describe how to join the Smag magien af kærlighed - forførende tantrisk sansemiddag for par event online. For more information on this, read here.

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    Event ended

    Smag magien af kærlighed - forførende tantrisk sansemiddag for par