Vifte- og Stokform
Vifte- og Stokform
From DKK 275.00
For første gang, vil jeg begynde at undervise offentlig i både vifte- og stokform i Danmark.Der undervises i to selvstændige blokke i henholdsvis vifte- og stokform, så det er muligt blot at melde sig til den ene. Hver blok koster 275,- begge blokke 450,-
Torben Bremann er bl.a. grundlægger af Dansk Center for Tai Chi og Qigong (1992) og en international anerkendt underviser. Han er forfatter til adskillige bøger om Tai Chi, Qigong, meditation, fysisk træning, coaching, ernæring, mental træning samt kinesisk medicin.
Han afholder løbende motiverende foredrag, workshops og kurser indenfor emner som Tai Chi, Qigong, sundhed, fysisk træning, mental træning, coaching, kost, åndedrættet, skulderbæltet, kropsholdningen, m.m.
Dansk Center for Tai Chi og Qigong blev grundlagt af Torben Bremann i 1992. Målet for centeret er at tilbyde undervisning og workshops i de kinesiske kampkunster Taijiquan og Yiquan samt en række forskellige former af de kinesiske helseorienterede Qigong øvelser og standing meditation (Zhan Zhuang)
Når du modtager undervisning i Dansk Center for Tai Chi og Qigong – uanset om det er online (Online Tai Chi and Qigong classes with Sifu Torben Bremann ( eller face-to-face, er du garanteret undervisning på et fagligt og kompetent højt niveau.
Torben Bremann har haft mange lærere og mentorer over de sidste 30 år og har haft den store glæde at kunne lære fra dem på en “hands on” basis – dvs. én til én, hvilket er den eneste måde at lære Tai Chi og Qigong på et dybere plan og et must, hvis der er ambitioner om at blive underviser.
Han har rejst til bl.a. Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, USA, New Zealand, Taiwan og Canada for at besøge dygtige lærere såsom Peter Ralston, Master Feng Zhigiang, Master Yek Sing Ong, Master Sam Tam, Master Wu, Master Shen Shen Yuan, Master Jeng, Master Shu, Master William Chen, Master James Lau King, Master Tien, Master Huai Hsiang Wang og mange flere.
Hans Tai chi erfaring (lineage) kommer primært fra 3 traditioner: I Chen-traditionen var hans hovedlærer fra 1994-1999 Master He Gong De. I Huang Xiangxian traditionen (Yangstil) lærte han fra 1998-2007 fra Master Yek Sing Ong og Wee Kee Jin.
Siden 2005 og frem har han været privatelev af Master Sam Tam og er som hans mest øvede elev i Europa blevet opfordret til at undervise og sprede hans system.
Torben Bremann is the founder of Danish Center for Taiji and Qi Gong and author to quite a few books on taiji, qi gong, standing meditation, body awareness, anatomy and coaching.
He has had many different teachers and have had the great fortune to learn on an “one on one” base, either having lived at his teachers homes or they have lived in his house for extended periods.
He has travelled around the Globe to learn from his teachers and that have brought him to places like Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, US, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Canada – to mention a few.
His biggest influence have probably been from three different lineages: In the Chenstyle from Master Chen Fake and Master Chen Zhaokui, in the Yangstyle lineage about 15 years in the system of Master Huang Xiangxian – being a close student of some of his topstudents, and least but absolutely not last, the last 16 years where he has been a close and now senior student of his present teacher – master Sam Tam.
The teaching he received in his early years in direct lineage of Master Yang Shaoshung has influenced him as well – just like some other teachers from other systems have.
Apart from his main teachers some of the other masters and teachers who has influenced Torben and he has learned from and/or studied with may be listed in random order: Peter Ralston, Master Feng Zhigiang, Master Wu, Master Shen Shen Yuan, Master Jeng, Master Shu, Master William Chen, Master Chu King Hung, Master James Lau King, Master Tien, Master Lin as well as several others.
Gladsaxe, Vandtårnsvej 55, 2860 Søborg
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If more tickets become available you will be notified (by email) amongst others who have joined the list. Purchasing is on a first-come first-serve basis. For more information, read here.
Where do I find a link to an online event?
Check your order confirmation page or order confirmation email. Usually, the organiser of the event provides the details in the order confirmation email or they might send you a follow-up email with a link to their online event. You might also want to read the event description on Billetto where an event organiser should describe how to join the Vifte- og Stokform event online. For more information on this, read here.
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Refund Protection provides you with the assurance that if unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances interfere with your ability to attend an event you can claim a refund. For more information on this, read here.
Vifte- og Stokform
From DKK 275.00