Introduction to Woodshop
Introduction to Woodshop
Fra 115,00 DKK
Got a cool woodworking project that you want to start? Perhaps you want to join in with our woodworking evenings? Well you'll need access to professional tools, and you should know how to use them!
In this two-day course for rookies, Lluis will give you a basic introduction into the machines and tools in the betahaus woodshop. You will learn the following:
- Planning: How to approach a project with a quick sketch
- Measuring: How to measure the right way, calculating material thickness and offcut
- Tools: You'll learn how to properly and securely use the table saw, miter saw, the drill press, sander and diverse hand tools
But it won't just be learning the basics and getting to know the machines, you will be building your own cool piece of furniture to be used as a Laptop desk or just a beautiful wooden bed tray.
Through a shared and basic take-home project you will acquire enough skills to start working on simple projects afterwards.
Purchase of Ticket includes a 3-times Weekly Woodworking free Voucher, valid for three Months after completing the course. To collect your earned Voucher, please drop by at the Reception after your Woodshop course has finished, from Monday to Friday (8:00 am - 8:00 pm) with your receipt from Introduction to the Woodshop and collect your Vouchers!
Materials needed:
- one sheet of 1200 x 300 mm Leimholz buche (18mm thick)
- Ponal glue
You can either buy them yourself (e.g. at Modulor close to betahaus) or you can order them with us for 18€.
Lluis Mateu is a woodworking enthusiast with more than 25 years of experience.
He has built everything from wooden houses and furniture to sets for theatre and cinema productions! He has a deep passion for woodwork and loves sharing his excitement for the craft - as well as all the tricks he's learned throughout the years!
"Today many people spend most of their time in front of a computer screen, it is a great tool indeed, but slowly we are losing the capacity of making things with our hands.
With all the years I have been working with wood, I still find satisfying to make a new piece, seeing it taking shape, feeling the quality of the material, see its color coming out after waxing/oiling it, I love it!
I would like to pass on this passion for working with wood and experiencing the satisfaction of building something with your hands."
// Llus Mateu, woodwork instructor //
Any questions? Drop us a line at
Please print your ticket and bring it to the workshop!
Can't join us this time? We have more courses!
Please check our Woodshop Program for all our scheduled woodworking courses, or have a look at for all courses from betahaus.
Explore the Woodshop:
Get ready for Summer outdoor parties by making your own unique Summer chair. Build your own Summer chair Workshop is here!
Paint with wood. Can't imagine how? Simple, Marquetry veneer style. Learn the old techniques and how to implement them in the new design. Save you seat or learn more here.
I want more dates! Sure, check the full Woodshop Calendar and find the one that fits you!
Betahaus, Prinzessinnenstraße 19, 10969 Berlin
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Introduction to Woodshop
Fra 115,00 DKK