Awareness through Movement - Gaga, DANCEmandala, Yoga & MB/Butoh retreat in South Spain
Awareness through Movement - Gaga, DANCEmandala, Yoga & MB/Butoh retreat in South Spain
Från 2.380,00 DKK
This 6-day retreat-style workshop week is hosted in an amazing nature setting in the mountains of south Spain. It is an opportunity to explore awareness through dance & yoga. We will use four beautiful systems, that each in their unique way invites into a deeper presence in the body, as you sweat.
It is neither about performance nor perfection, but a journey of finding your own authentic expression. We welcome practitioners at all levels, you need no previous experience in any of the systems - only a passion to move and cultivate awareness!
NOTICE that what you pay here at Billetto is only the workshop - food and lodging is payed cash on arrival - additional 300 EUR. See more info below!!
For more info on teachers, pictures of the retreat place etc, go to the event at
To book your room etc, you also need to fill in the form on this page!
Gaga is a movement language developed by Ohad Naharin over the course of many years, a language applied in daily practice and exercises by the Batsheva Dance Company members.
Gaga is a new way of gaining knowledge and self-awareness through your body. Gaga raises awareness of physical weaknesses, awakens numb areas, exposes physical fixations, and offers ways for their elimination.
The work improves instinctive movement and connects conscious and unconscious movement, and it allows for an experience of freedom and pleasure in a simple way, in a pleasant space. We dance in comfortable clothes, with ourselves, accompanied by music.
The Gaga sessions will be led by professional dancer Siri Wolthoorn, who has danced with the Batsheva Dance Company and taught Gaga since 2009.
DANCEmandala is a free form movement meditation developed by Areeradh K Tri-Siddha. In a session, you move through different layers of body, emotion, heart and beyond. The music and guidance support release and intensity as well as stillness and sensitivity. The meditative approach and the breath is central through the whole journey.
The ultimate purpose of Yoga is to calm the mind. Our sessions will include postural work that increase core strength, flexibility, breath and relaxation, breathing practices and meditation.
The Yoga/Meditation and DANCEmandala sessions are taught by Sandra Grundstoff, who has taught yoga and meditation for 12 years. She was introduced to meditation at age 6 and fell in love with both Hatha Yoga and free form dance in 1993. Her main work is as the lead yoga teacher trainer at Axelsons Bodywork School, one of Scandinavias leading schools for wellness education, where around 200 yoga teachers has been examined since 2014.
She is also the editor in chief of the web based health magazine FriskvårdsMagasinet and an asana alignment model at the web based yoga tool yogidia. For more about Sandra, read here.
Sandras approach to the physical yoga practice is focus on alignment, core work and body awareness. Being present to, and respectful to the individual body is essential. Her approach to meditation is based on Vipassana - buddhistic insight meditation - with a personal angle, connected to daily living.
Sandra also appears as DJ Grundstoff and will inspire you to integrate all the juicy movement of the week, at the dance party on the last evening!
Butoh/MB-training - MB-training means Muscle/Bone or Mind/Body, the physical part of the butoh dancer Min Tanakas Body Weather-work.
It is a dynamic, powerful practice where we move over the floor accompanied by music. All body parts are worked through efficiently. Pulse, flexibility, coordination and balance are strengthened. The awareness of center, alignment, grounding, breathing, time and space is sharpened.
The Butoh/MB-training sessions and Mindful Tapping is led by Hanna Noorberg. She studied Butoh/MB at the Nordic School of Butoh in Copenhagen, and holds a Bachelor in Public Health.
There will also be the opportunity to participate in two mini-workshops on Mindful Tapping, led by Hanna Noorberg. Mindful Tapping is a system of techniques that combine neurobiological research on stress and trauma with practical hands-on-methods that help the brain and body to restore balance and heal from trauma.
The 6-day workshop schedule includes morning yoga practice, daily MB/Butoh & Gaga sessions, evening meditation, Mindful tapping, finishing dance party, breakfast, lunch, dinner and relaxation time in the beautiful nature.
Of course, you can join as many or as few as you want of the activities on the schedule.
For the full workshop schedule, see here
Info on teachers, pictures + sign-up, go to the event at
The retreat center:
The center is located in one of the most pristine and beautiful areas in Spain, the Alpujarras. at the edge of the Sierra Nevada national park.
You will stay in wooden or cob houses, everything is solar powered, built from natural materials and stunningly beautiful.
The accommodation included is in a shared house with one, two or three other people, with your own bed space of course. You can add an extra fee for a single accommodation. The food is vegetarian, organic and delicious - and for the larger part locally grown. There is water, tea and fresh fruit available for free all day.
Travel info:
Nearest town: Origiva
Nearest airports: Malaga, Granada
We can arrange a shared transport from the airport for a fee of 25-30 EUR (Malaga) or 35-40 EUR (Granada).
We will help you with this via mail, when you have signed up for the retreat and made your travel plans.
Arrival April 8, 14.00-17.00. First Gaga class at 18.00.
Departure April 14, 11.00-13.00. Last yoga class finishes 10.00.
LATE BIRD: After November 10th, 2017, you will pay 500 EUR for the workshops.
EARLY BIRD: Until November 10th, 2017, you pay 360 EUR for the workshops.
This part covers all classes on the schedule and is what you pay for on billetto.
Additional 300 EUR to be payed on arrival, in cash directly to Hidden Paradise.
Covers 6 nights shared accommodation in a double room, 3 gourmet veggie meals/day + free tea, water & fruit.
Single accommodation – 107 EUR extra to be paid on arrival.
If you wish to reserve a single room, tell us in the form at
When you have paid, your spot is reserved.
If you should cancel before December 1st, we keep 50 EUR for administration.
If you cancel after December 1st, there is no refund guarantee but you can sell your space to someone else.
If the workshop is cancelled, you get all your money back of course, except the small Billetto fee.
Payment for food & lodging:
When you arrive at the retreat center, you pay the remaining 300 EUR for food and lodging to the retreat staff - in cash.
If you book single accommodation, you need to bring additional 107 EUR in cash = in total 407 EUR .
If you want airport pickup, this will also be paid cash directly to the driver. We can arrange the ride.
We look forward to dance with you!
Sandra Grundstoff, 0045-20149683
Hidden Paradise, Órigiva, 18418 Origiva
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Awareness through Movement - Gaga, DANCEmandala, Yoga & MB/Butoh retreat in South Spain
Från 2.380,00 DKK