Från 160,00 DKK
Raised on punk rock and guitar music, Thrasher has been f*cking the hardcore system since launching PRSPCT in 2002. A true embodiment of the PRSPCT label and event series that has gone on to conquer the world, Thrasher’s three or even four deck DJ performances cut between the hardest hitting drum & bass, out of the box hardcore, breakcore and more. He is also frontman of extreme supergroup The Dead Cvlt with Limewax and three iconic hardcore punk musicians. Thrasher’s musical tastes are much wider than his sets would have you believe. Tune into his weekly Wonderful World of Wax show on PRSPCT Radio for a peek at the PRSPCT chief’s vast and eclectic record collection.
-Socials: https://www.facebook.com/thrasherprspct/ - https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/thrasher_prspct/ - https://soundcloud.com/thunderdome/thrasher-thunderdome-2019-dark-dome
Renowned for his haunting and emotive sound, DJ Hidden is one of the many solo aliases from The Outside Agency‘s Noël Wessels. With various releases and concept albums on Ad Noiseam, PRSPCT and his own DJ Hidden Tracks label, DJ Hidden has refined a beautifully dark take on drum & bass and hardcore. Active in the Dutch drum & bass and hardcore scenes since 1991, DJ Hidden is a respected performer with sets taking you on a heady musical journey. He hosts Imaginarium, a monthly show on PRSPCT Radio diving deep into DJ Hidden’s cinematic sound world.
- Socials: https://www.facebook.com/DJHidden/ - https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/djhidden/ - https://soundcloud.com/dj-hidden
An incredibly versatile DJ, no genre is out of bounds for Rudi Ratte. Making a name for himself as a DJ and promoter in South Tyrol, Italy, since moving to the Netherlands Rudi Ratte has honed his skills as a PRSPCT resident, performing at clubs and festivals throughout Europe. Active in the Dutch free party scene and part of the Chewbakka Soundsystem, Rudi Ratte has brought his underground selections to stages at some of the world’s leading hardcore events, including Dominator, Decibel Outdoor and Hardshock Festival. With his signature fusion style of heavy, obscure music, and a waywardness with BPMs, Rudi Ratte sets are always wild, funky and unexpected.
- Socials: https://www.facebook.com/rudiratte666/ - https://soundcloud.com/gabbaassault
With performances all over Denmark, The UK, Sweden, Norway and Czech Republic he has seen and conquered more than most. 30+ years deep into the game there's no sign of him stepping down nor lessen his passion for an extremely varied palette of music.
Currently, alongside Peckerhead, he's running the well-known Københardcore concept of Hardcore Techno, Drum'n'Bass, Acid and all sorts of intense styles of music. Although it would be the obvious modus operandi of most to pigeonhole him into just that, Klaus Boss always defies stigmata and can easily incorporate any kind of music into his mesmerizing sets.
Other than Københardcore, the Boss man has been a part of the Superhoe collective for many years as well as the booking group for the annual Click Festival music programme in Elsinore.
- Socials: https://www.facebook.com/kbhardcore - https://www.instagram.com/kobenhardcore
Daniel Rønhave - born 1990. Mokum Records, Cenobite records, Madness Industry, SygNok, KØBENHARDCORE, Cyndium.
Recently back from the very roots of Gabber music, Rotterdam, he's now back in Copenhagen to demolish your nerves! He is your main man for unadulterated energy in the studio and on stage. On the dancefloor he spans wide, from the early nineties hardcore genre, to his own powerful productions and to a more extreme concept "fast and hard". With tireless energy and a good understanding of the genre's standards, his productions is always worth listening to.
- Socials: https://soundcloud.com/peckerhead - https://www.instagram.com/peckerhead1992 - https://www.facebook.com/peckerheadindustries
Pumpehuset, Studiestræde 52, 1554 København
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Från 160,00 DKK