Från 70,00 DKK
18.00 = CINEMA CAFE OPENS (your ticket includes both the opening talk and the movie)(This is the third and last part of a 3-part fall lecture/screening series)
19:00 = (THE TALK = presented by Sofie Bové, see below)
19.50 (approx) = THE FILM: "PRACTICAL MAGIC," directed by Griffin Dunne, 1998, 104 minutes
WHAT THIS SERIES IS ABOUT: Feeling witchy this autumn? Join us for a series of special viewings of witchy movies and learn about the history of the iconic figure of the witch. Movie Witches is a three-night viewing series with talks on the cultural significance of the witch in visual media with art historian Sofie Bové, who specializes in images of the demonic female and the role of art in renaissance witch trials. Each night features an approx. 30-45 minute talk by Sofie Bové, who has explored and worked to spread knowledge of the cultural impact of the witch through lectures, courses, art and historical city walks through her company Nocturna. She works for The Hirschsprung Collection and The Nivaagaard Collection as an art historical educator. Each talk focus on a different witchy theme as we examine the historical witch, the villain witch and the power witch. Of course followed by a topical movie.
WHAT THE TALK TONIGHT IS ABOUT: 'PRACTICAL MAGIC and the 1990's WITCHPOWER' ... On this night we talk about the modern inversion of the horror figure of the witch into one of 'power to the powerless' and soft lavender aesthetics. We see the old markours of the witch go from signaling danger and deviancy to suddenly becoming symbols over freedom and agency. ... In the earliest use of the witch figure in the feminist movements in the 1960's we meet art groups like W.I.T.C.H. who made art performances where they hexed Wall Street bankers. In the 1990's we see the world of witchcore take hold of pop culture in a merge with new age spirituality and every edgy teenage girl is proud to call herself a witch after 'Sabrina the teenage witch' and movies like 'the craft'. How did we succeed in using the woodhag as a symbol of freedom, actively turning ancient symbols for misogyny into emblems of power in popular culture.
Husets Biograf, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 København
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Från 70,00 DKK