Phoenix Uprising
Phoenix Uprising
Från 1.500,00 DKK
A week long retreat of healing and awakening through sexual bodywork and temple rituals of sacred sexuality
7 - 13 december 2015 on Møn Retreat. Facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje & Estera Saraswati - check out the venue: at
Awaken your sexual potential
Join this week long retreat that creates an opportunity to intensively heal and clear your body from stored traumas, fears, guilt, shame and any other blockages from your past as well as ancestors’ and collective memory. Come activate your sexual energy. Let it become your biggest resource!
Sexual energy is the axis of all areas of life – relationship, work, money, sex, passions. When you start to heal, be ready for a change and big expansion for you and your closest ones. Your self-esteem will rise, clarity and decisiveness will improve, relations will enrich and be more intimate, abundance will flow and work will be more passionate and creative.
Unique approach to sexual healing
Combing contemporary sexual bodywork with matriarchal temple arts ritualistic approach is a unique feature of this retreat. In ancient matriarchy times, 5.000-8.000 years ago, temples conducted by women had flourished. Temple priestesses used sexual energy to heal, to release and cleanse, to activate self recovery forces and initiate people into spiritual realm. Temples were in the center of villages, respected by whole community. Sexual energy was recognized and worshiped as most sacred universal force. This contemporary retreat is directly connected with the spirit of antient temple rites.
Sacral and secular approach together give an amazing outcomes of a deeply transformative journey into the body cellular memory back in time to heal whatever is still stored in a body. The effects are fast and tangible. Sacred space of a temple during this retreat invites a real transformation to happen, more than therapeutic change of personality. Every demonstration and session is supported by precise instructions and guidelines as well as spiritual teachings giving broader context to sexual healing from therapeutic, shamanic and tantric perspective. Demos in the middle of a circle given by teachers are not merely instructions but also a strong energy transmission. All processes emerges from clear awareness and light of consciousness. Personal boundaries are kept, challenges accompanied by loving kindness, communication is direct and consciuosness is our coach. We want to know what we are doing, why and what for as well as what really has happened during session or practices to make conscious choices and expand. Due to it, you can grow faster and safely without post-workshop yo-yo effect.
Sexuality: healing – activation – celebration
We will cleanse blockages that unable us to celebrate body temple and experience sexuality in an ecstatic way. We will activate the hidden power of sexual energy that will saturate daily life with more excitement, power and love. We will learn to celebrate and enjoy a deeper contact with own’s body and pleasure deriving from it. In effect, we will be able to consciously manage and direct our vital life force, harvesting joy and power.
What can you experience during this retreat?
- learning of recognision and clear, transparent communication of own’s needs, desires and boundaries. it is a basics for deep sexual healing work
- releasing body and sexuality out of fear, shame, guilt, anger, traumas and abuses
- accepting and celebrating body temple
- clearing resentments towards men and women
- reconnecting sexuality and heart
- healing wounds and blockages in yoni and lingam (female and male genitals)
- joni and lingam divine recognition and celebration rituals
- multiorgasms for men without ejaculation
- multiorgasms for women with ejaculation
- a ritual of temple arts – sacred spot healing for men (anus) and women (G-spot) with ascending and descending through chakras
- riding the Dragons – anus healing for both men and women, releasing super powers from the undeground and embracing them in heart
- yoni mapping
- anus mapping, clearing fear of abandonment, scarcity, mistrust, unsafety, existential issues,
- activation of multiorgasmic waves – learning of diffrent breath and energy inner draws through a body
- full body energy orgasm
- activating body of bliss
- Kundalini activation
- new paradigm cross-gender party with conscious communication
Facilitators will look after safe and sacred space for healing to happen in a group. Sessions and practices happen solo, in pairs, small pods and whole group according to personal boundaries. You will be supported in following your intuition and inner guidance as well as consciousness without pear pressure. Facilitators will attentively guide you through this process strengthening your self-responsability and self-empowerment. There is nudity on this retreat. Sarong is a basic outfit.
This retreat is suitable for all people, single or coupled, motived for making a tangible change in their lives thanks to sexual life force activation as well as sacred sexuality seekers.
This retreat connect sexual body work with temple arts sexual healing and rituals of sacred sexuality.
Sexual bodywork, temple arts rituals, tantric massage, sacred spot healing, body dearmouring, ecstatic dance, Osho dynamic meditation.
Additional Information
- Outfit during the workshop: sarong/pareo and loose, comfortable clothes.
- This retreat is suitable for both singles and couples.
- You decide on the level of your commitment and nudity.
- At any time you can stop or slow down the process and go in an individual own pace.
- You do not have to do anything which you do not want. We support you in not being liable to group pressure.
About Us
Estera and Zenon are life partners, together teaching Tantra worldwide and running the House of Tantra. They also share with temple arts and sacred sexuality practices and rituals as well as sexual healing. Sexual energy for them is a fast track of awakening to our true nature and empowering self-liberation from matrix system. They have initiated the annual International Re-Union of Sexuality and Consciousness in Poland as a part of co-creating a new way of living in a free society. “Art, science and spirituality meet to create a new paradigm of living in a free society”. The new paradigm covers all spheres of life from conscious conception and natural birth to respectful aging and conscious death. It is based on a honest and clear communication, committed and transparent relations as well as conscious sexuality as an important part of life not only private but public one. They are also parents of two sons. They gave two home lotus non-assisted births with no medical assistance during pregnancy, labour and post-partum.
Price for the course all incl.: 7.125 DKK
Early bird price (until 1. nov) 6250 DKK
Møn Retreat & Kursuscenter, Vollerupgade 2a, 4792 Askeby
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Phoenix Uprising
Från 1.500,00 DKK