Ritual Play Night
Ritual Play Night
Från 400,00 DKK
Ritual Play Night: Elements 6th of May 19.00-23.00.
Once a month we invite you to come together for a full evening of Ritual Play. Every evening we will set up different themes to explore in the Ritual Play frame.
On Friday 6th of May the theme for the evening is The Elements. We will be exploring the elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire and experience what it brings to the practice of Ritual Play. The elements are essential for us to connect with, and each one of them has qualities that are very different from the others. We can play with those qualities in order to get a deeper understanding of the ones we naturally inhabit, and the ones we are less familiar with. It can be very nourishing and fun to invite in all the elements in us in the meetings we have with others, and it gives us a broader energy-range to express.
In Ritual play you are invited to explore your impulses and give them an expression with someone else on the mat.
RITUALS give us a chance to move out of our everyday mind and everyday understanding of ourselves and the world, and let small gestures, as well as big emotions have a transformative power on us and the room.
PLAY we understand in the broadest sense of the word, as a creative impulse that can go in many directions, and can change from moment to moment. We play without goals, and practice being in an open state of curiosity.
Ritual play opens a space that can contain both deep healing, freedom to express beyond censorship and a lot of fun.
We begin at 19.00. Please be there at least 15 min before, so we can start on time. Bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely.
This evening is facilitated by Rikke Libak and Line Bangsbo, who are both certified facilitators of Ritual Play and with many years of experience of spaceholding.
For more information on Line and Rikke check out:
rikkelibak.com and linebangsbo.com
The Ritual Play night is 400 DKK and you can buy your ticket through this link:
Tickets are non-refundable, but you are welcome to resell your ticket in case you cannot participate.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out.
All bodies, genders and sexualities are welcome. The space is queer friendly.
Next Ritual Play Night is June 24th.
Rört, Vermundsgade 13, 2100 København
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Ritual Play Night
Från 400,00 DKK