Sisters Academy - The Boarding School (08/10)
Sisters Academy - The Boarding School (08/10)
Från 290,00 DKK
The time is ripe. It is now. The unity of inspirations, the reaping of visions. A place open to the embodiment of radical ideas and explorations. A place where the dream you just dreamt is as important as the breath you take. A place where the ambiance touches your soul as the light fades. A place where memories of the past is turned into hope for the future.
Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art will transform into the complete performance-installation, Sisters Academy – The Boarding School, where more than 20 Sisters staff members will create an experimental boarding school in a potential future sensuous society. People can access the school by enrolling as a student for 24 hours or more. A stay at the school naturally includes a night in the school dormitory. During the stay students will enter into an otherworldly space, where the sensuous and aesthetic mode of being is the fundament of all action and interaction. In this world the poetic is at the center. These values also inspire the teaching and learning experiences at the school, and in the course of their stay the students will be invited to explore and unfold their inner Poetic Self.
Practical information:
- The ticket is strictly personal. If you are several people who wish to enroll as students at the same date, please buy your tickets separately.
- Within a week after purchase you'll receive an Acceptance Letter with additional information about your stay at Sisters Academy. This letter will also include specific instructions about the enrollment procedure. Please read this letter carefully and bring it upon arrival.
- Please be aware and respect your check-in time. The duration of your stay at the school will be 24 hours. You will not leave the facilities during your stay
- At Sisters Academy the spoken language is English
- Food and a bed in the school dormitory is included in the ticket price.
- You must be a least 16 years old.
- Sisters Academy will only house 30 students a day, so tickets are very limited.
- If you want to extend your stay beyond one single day, you must buy tickets for more dates separately.
Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Oslo Pl. 1, 2100 København
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Sisters Academy - The Boarding School (08/10)
Från 290,00 DKK